
Just an Ant

"You two can go without me." Kilgon said. "Isabel told me she is now with child. I am going to be a father."

"Congratulations." Zell said. "Being a father was the single best part of my life, it will bring you more joy than you could ever even imagine. What about you Kaitlyn are you going to come with me?"

"I will." Kaitlyn said. "Thank you for asking me."

"Kilgon, if you want, after all this is over, I would like to give you a position of power within Neuval." Zell said. "I know that having a strong soul such as yourself will be a boon to my kingdom and help it grow and help heal the old wounds caused by my sister."

"What about the rampant racism?" Kilgon asked. "I doubt a dwarf such as me would be welcome in Neuval, much less accepted in a position of power."
