
Time (5)

Several days had passed, and when Billy was about to finish his next hideout, he saw his wives training in the garden, and the kids were also imitating them. Hector and Christina were only two and half years old, so maybe it was too soon for them to do that, but it could be considered playing since they were using toys. That being said... Billy felt weird.

In any case, Billy frowned because Christina was playing with a toy spear, and Hector was just moving his arms. Chrisna was probably copying Billy, and Hector was copying Kate.

"That is quite… Unexpected," Billy said.

"You think so?" Kate asked. "They are too young to learn how to fight, but it is fine to let them choose their own styles like that. The best fighters that we know are basically self-taught warriors, after all."

"Wouldn't you feel bad for not letting Christina focus on learning magic?" Billy asked.
