

Mutilated corpses of animals were a common occurrence in the forest. So no one would have suspected anything with the number of mutilated corpses increased since he came here. Predators do not come near the village. So increased number of animal corpses would not have raised any alarms in the village.

With the physical body that Fabian possessed now, he was 100% sure that even he jumped from the third floor, he would be just fine. So it would make sense for that demon to go out and hunt without being seen by anyone. As Fabian started thinking about drinking animal blood he started to have a disgusting feeling in his throat. He had never drunk animal blood before. But for some reason, he was having a feeling that it would be bad for sure.

One could say that instincts told him that drinking animal blood was a bad idea. And he would not like it that much. As Fabian started having this feeling he started to have a gut feeling that maybe this theory was wrong. So Fabian started thinking more carefully about the stay of the demon in their inn. And it was then he suddenly realized what he had been missing all this time.

As the winter approaches the number of visitors in the village steadily decline. And at the people with little to no experience in hunting come to the village near as the winter season approaches. That would imply that there would be fewer customers coming in and out of the inn. He remembers very clearly that the maids of and all the other women who slept with that demon always were tiered and were little pale.

At that time he thought that due to sleeping around with that man that constantly these women were very tired. But what if he was wrong? Maybe they were all tired because that demon was sucking blood from them. That would also explain their pale skin. And with the loss of blood, he could assume that a human would be tiered all the time.

This theory seemed more plausible to Fabian. That demon treated those women as sheep. He would let them rear during the daytime. And then by the night, he would shear the wool out of the sheep. As far Fabian knew, like the sheep, a human could also produce a lot of blood with a proper diet. This would mean that demon had an unlimited supply of blood at his disposal.

As Fabian started thinking more about this idea, the more he started realizing that this may very well be a very brilliant idea. With his mind-controlling power, he could brainwash many people to do his bidding. He control their every action and make sure that they would never disobey him. And if he thinks about it then this may be the best time to implement this plan.

When he was in the inn, he could sense all the people that were living in the inn. If his guess was right then there were at least 25 full-grown adults in the inn. With this many people, he would be well-fed for days to come. But after that, the question remained whether he could overpower all the people in the inn.

As he gain control of the Sherly he felt that it consumed a lot of energy when he takes control of someone's mind. But if takes control of all these people then would he be able to manage all the energy output to do such a thing? As Fabian sat there contemplating his next moves, he started hearing something.

As Fabian heard that sound, he instantly started looking towards the south. That was the general direction of the inn. The sound that he was hearing sounded like the sound of a bell. It sounded like a small bell is constantly ringing in that direction and it was calling him.

Fabian then chose to ignore that sound. After all, he had better things to think about. But for some reason, he was not able to ignore that bell. The more he tried to ignore the bell, the more loudly that bell rang. It looked like that the bell won't stop ringing until Fabian himself didn't come there to stop it. And after 5 min or so Fabian finally had enough. He got up and started running towards the bell.

As he got closer to the sound of the bell, he saw that the bell was ringing in the inn. As he saw that the bell was ringing in the inn he was hesitant at first. He didn't know whether it would be a good idea to go back to the inn. But the bell was driving him crazy. He had to stop the bell.

So Fabian got closer to the inn. As he got closer, he sensed that the bell was ringing in the basement of the inn. As he sensed that the bell was ringing in the basement, he felt relief. There was a small door at the back of the inn that he could use to sneak in. So he could sneak in and sneak out without anyone noticing.

So with that thought, Fabian started walking towards the back to sneak into the inn…


There was a back door of the inn that directly led to the basement of the inn. That door was mostly used for restocking the materials used in the inn. Although that door was locked from inside, Fabian knew that the tower bolt used to close the door was very loose. That meant that it would take only some amount of force but he could make his way in with a little strength.

He knew this as Jared had told him to fix that, but he forgot about it. But who knew one day that this would be useful for him?

As Fabian made his way towards the inn, he was very careful to not get seen by anyone. He knew that a lot of people were in the inn currently, so anyone could see him through the windows if when he get close to the inn. So after checking multiple times that no one was at the window he made it towards the inn. As he got towards the inn, he hugged the walls of the inn and started making his way towards the back of the inn.

As he got towards the back, he pushed the door with all of his strength while making sure that he doesn't make too much noise. After all, he didn't want to alarm people in the inn that someone was trying to make their way in the inn. And after some struggling, he was finally able to make his way into the inn, without making a lot of noise.

As he got into the inn, he started sensing that the bell he was hearing was ringing in the basement itself. That made his task easier. Fabian smiled at his luck and then he started looking for the sound of the bell. He could sense that there were people here but they were all gathered in the restaurant portion of the inn on the ground floor. So he was free to look around.

As Fabian was looking for the bell, his acute sense of hearing started acting up and helped him hear the conversation that was happening in the restaurant…


In the restaurant, everyone was gathered. Whether it be children or women, everyone was gathered in the restaurant to talk about what had happened tonight. And what should be their next steps…

"Boman…. You are a hunter. What do you say we are up against?" Jared asked

Currently, Jared was sitting in the middle of the crowd on a chair. Jared was an old man with a grumpy exterior and long white hair. Just behind him, there was Justin, his son and beside her was Martha Justin's wife.

"At first I thought that we are up against a bear. But that doesn't seem like a case now." Bowman a middle-aged man with short stature said.

"How so?" Jared asked.

"Well for started bears predators which hunt in their own territory. And they hardly come out of their territory to hunt. This bear came here searching for food, that was weird enough as there are no bear territories near the village. And no bear comes that far from their territory to hunt." Boman said.

"That is a fair point. So if our initial guess was wrong then what is this monstrosity that took the life of two innocent people today?" Justin asked.

"That is the thing, I don't know. I am not familiar with this animal. He took the boy from the inn. And then Sherly vanished. It seemed like he was a silent hunter. And I don't know any animal that hunts this way." Bowman said.

"FOOLS! I am telling you which animal did this. It was El-chupacabra. The monster with a lion's face which has the body of a human and features of a wolf." An old granny from the crowd said.

