
Volume 5.195 Abandoned Mansion (2)

Compared to the desolate and unkempt appearance outside of the mansion, the interior was neatly maintained. Though one could see that the old mansion was indeed very old now, with the antics that were placed on the sides. 

When Maven and Alex entered the main door of the mansion, what appeared to their sight was the antics. Next was the staircase that was separated when it came to the middle upstairs. One stair continued to the left side, while the other one was on the opposite.

"This way," the cloaked men who were guiding them said. There were also other cloaked men. Around ten, from what Maven counted on his mind. They took the stairs towards the left side of the mansion and continued to walk to the corridors. There were windows however, it was all blocked by wood planks. In the corridors, they came across five more cloaked men who also stood on the side of the way, waiting for them to pass them.
