

Simon Hart had seen up close and personal what a vampire could do. How inhumanly fast they moved. How they could lift an entire cart with ease if something they wanted was hiding underneath it. How the flesh of their victim's was no match for their fangs. So, when Alabaster reappeared before that host of monsters, giving them a choice and even daring to turn his back on them, he gaped in shock.

Alabaster smiled gently, when the human began shaking his head, rapidly. Those beautiful, green eyes were sparkling with fear. His mouth, usually filled to the brim with sassy and harsh words for him were now pleading in a small whisper that showed that in spite of everything, he somehow still cared.

"No! Run away!"

The Crystal Vampire sighed inwardly, as he continued his countdown. You would think a man as conscientious as Simon Hart would have a better memory. Because wasn't it none other than the tailor, himself, who had recoiled at the knowledge that he may have been keeping the company of a monster? Did one arm long to hold what the other would push away? Was he at war with himself?

Possibly. But, there was no time to contemplate this enigma. Because the moment he turned to face those other vampires, Alabaster Stone would have declared war, himself; war on his own kind.


The first set of claws raised to cut him down never landed. Instead, Alabaster reached out, before doing something most unexpected. He touched the other man's forehead. The action was so shocking that it caused the world to stand still; like the pause in between a heartbeat.

"Well?! What are you waiting on?!" Lord Bartholomew bellowed, waving a hand in declaration, "Kill him!"

But, no one was listening. Instead, they were all staring, transfixed by the blood trickling from the vampire's lips. It started to bubble and curdle out of him as he choked on it, clawing desperately at his throat and leaving grievous marks. Finally, the demon fell back, stirring up the dust of the streets, as he thrashed.

"Fight it, man, fight it!" one of them shouted.

But, it was no use. A hush fell over him as his body stopped quaking. His eyes stared vacantly at the sky; his heart had been silenced forever.

"I told you," Alabaster began, as he was finally given the attention someone so dangerous deserved, "This isn't how I wanted it to end."

The entire rogue party took a step back as the Crystal Vampire took a step forward. He would have been inclined to leave them alone, if only they had walked away and left the two of them in peace. But, they had seen Simon. And they had seen the lengths he would go to just to keep him safe. That being said, this was the one time his father, Lord Jasper, actually made any sense.

'They will only come back to finish what they started. Finish them off. Leave none alive.'

That thought was like a knife hitting its target, dead-on. Alabaster blinked out of existence only to appear behind one of his attackers. He pressed his hands against the sides of his head, causing the man's skull to explode in gory pieces, while his next victim turned to dust. One by one, the leader of the rogues was forced to watch as his group dwindled, dispatched by a single member of the Stone family; one that he believed would be easily dispatched, himself.

Finally, it was just the two of them left standing; Alabaster and Bartholomew. The Crystal Vampire may not have known the names of the men he had destroyed, but he knew this one. Lord Bartholomew Excadian was someone he had met at parties; someone he had often seen at the Emperor's palace, even. He had never disliked this gentleman and the thought of killing him seemed so much more personal, somehow. Still, he knew that there was no turning back now.

He readied his blink and-! And a terrible agony erupted and spread its tendrils throughout his body. Alabaster took a knee, wrapping his arms around himself as he tried to fend off the pain.


A smile blossomed onto Bartholomew's lips, before he checked the time piece in his pocket.

"Exactly one minute. Heh. It seems that my sources were correct."

"W-What.. are you.. talking about?"

"Your powers ARE extraordinary, Mr. Stone," Bartholomew grinned as he tucked his arms behind his back and came forward, "But, there IS a time limit."

An uncalloused hand gently took the vampire noble's chin and raised his face up to look at him.

"And you knew that-" he grinned, "Didn't you?"

Alabaster stared for a moment longer, before a tired smile came to his lips.

"It looks like you've figured it out."

"Yes, I have! So many of our people think you are all powerful! But, I see at the end of the day that your magic is nothing! Nothing, but a cheap, parlor trick!"

The gentle cradling became a harsh grip, as the gloating vampire laughed like a man gone mad.

"HAHAHAAA! You can't fool ME!"

"But, I can."

Suddenly, a billow of smoke erupted from the knave's chest. A pained scream pierced the air as he stumbled back, hands over his heart as Bartholomew turned to the side to see who had done this. Standing there with a second, silver hat pin at the ready was none other than the tailor, Simon Hart.

"Simon," Alabaster uttered as his broken smile transformed into a joyous one.

The Crystal Vampire was no fool. He knew that he only had a minute before his body crippled under the strain, as his 'gifts' took their toll. In that time, he had honestly thought that Simon Hart would have taken the opportunity for what it was; a chance to escape. But, seeing him still there, willing to fight off a creature that he was obviously afraid of, all for Alabaster's sake? It was the first time he had seen someone shield him, not because of who he was or what he had to offer. Because they genuinely cared.

"You.. You wretched.. hu.. human!"

Simon put some distance between them, as the vampire tried to reach the pin in his back. But, it was no use. It was perfectly centered and too deep. Giving up, Bartholomew finally started stalking forward, claws out to take his enemy down in the most gruesome way he could muster.

"If I have to go, so do you!"

The tailor's eyes flashed in horror as the other man used his last burst of his strength to race up on him. Simon lifted his arms to shield himself. One thought came to mind at that moment, as Alabaster screamed his name; it was too late. If only he could have known just how right he was.

Over the horizon, the first rays of light touched down. It was the sun. The light swept over the land like hope, bringing life to everything it could reach. To everything except Lord Bartholomew Excadian; to him, it brought only death.

The vampire shrieked in pain as the radiant beams burned his hand to a crisp. His face followed as Bartholomew's skin became as leather and his eyes melted into puddles down his cheeks. A mere second later, the enemy burst into flame, falling to his knees. Only he didn't even get to hit them. The moment before he touched earth, his form disintegration into a pile of dust, leaving only his clothes behind.

Simon stared at the monster's ruin with parted lips and the urge to faint. Is this what all vampires looked like when it was their time to die? Surrounded by death and destruction with all of those vampire's bodies disappearing under the light of day, a terrifying thought appeared in the tailor's mind; did that mean Alabaster was next? As if he had predicted the future, the vampire noble's body slumped, falling forward with a groan.


The human raced to his side, falling to his knees. He carefully turned him over, only to find that the other man was unconscious. Out like a light, but still very much alive; alive and a hero. He had, once again, saved Simon's life. Come to think of it, he had been doing an awful lot of that lately, hadn't he?

"You bloody fool," Simon muttered, as reluctant tears bubbled up in his eyes.

Simon managed to hoist Alabaster up.

"You idiot!"

He wrapped the other man's arms around his shoulders, holding onto them as he dragged him forward.

"You dolt!"

Alabaster's shoes made furrows in the dirt as Simon pulled him along behind him with sheer, dogged determination. Though, he did have to admit that working in the scrap yard all of those years ago as a young man surely helped the situation out, if only a little bit.

"You complete and utter nincompoop!"

Or perhaps his anger was his own magic? Who knew? Either way, the tailor ranted and raved the entire way back to his shop. When he saw the stairs, he even dared to properly curse, gentleman or not.

"Fuck me."

It took a lot of work and perspiration, but he finally managed to roll the larger man onto his bed. He sunk down into a nearby chair, sighing gratefully. Though, he couldn't relax just yet. He had to remind himself that there could be more enemies that Bartholomew had employed; some who were immune to the light. So, Simon drew another hat pin, holding vigil over the prone body of his companion.

But, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier. The tailor finally passed out, lulled to sleep by the soothing sounds of Alabaster's breathing. He was comforted in the knowledge that they were both still alive; for now.

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