
Chapter 216 - Magicians in the land of martial artists (part 8)


But while she was distracted by the false assumption of her victory, Terez roared out his spall's name, and his bottom half was restored while he was still in the air.

...although without clothes...


Seeing a pantless boy falling onto her, crotch-first, was enough to break Elizabeth's concentration and the extremely embarrassed, crimson-faced marital artist closed her eyes and waved her hands intending to show the offender away when...



Something pushing into her from below – and when she glanced down she saw the shirtless Terez with only his pants and shoes on, tackling her down.



Pantless Terez and shirtless Terez managed to throw Elizabeth off balance and pin her down to the arena.

As the girl mentioned before, she did not use the law of Taurus – once caught and taken by surprise there was little to nothing she could do with just the law of Capricorn.

