
Chapter 13 - Part 1 - Magic examination - Lovely lunch

It was time for lunch and Zoemi led his master to the tearoom as Horeo was already waiting there with Teo and Veo at his side.

"I've been watching your examination my love, and you were stunning as always."

The first prince's trained until perfection affectionate voice could make anyone's heart throb – and it did exactly what it was supposed to.

"...you heard that...!"

"...oh... I am so jealous...!"

"Eh...? don't you have a fiance...?"

"I do, but he is still such a brat at heart..!"

The other students present in the tearoom blushed without exception and started whispering amongst each other.

"It was nothing, my dear prince, I know you will do even better."

Miriette answered her fiancé with a curtsy.

|They are so close~!|

Seeing the heartwarming scene even Zoemi's migraine lessened.

With such a strong bond, what could the heroine possibly do to push herself between the two lovebirds?

...still, the charming compliments and pleasant smiles were only for show...
