
Chapter 6: Visiting Naruto

After buying his clothes and groceries he put it on his inventory but he leave some grocery for him to cook in Naruto's apartment. Arriving there he knocked, and the door open, a confused looking Naruto appeared.

"What?" Naruto asked to him

"Ummm, it's me Naruto" i said twirling

"Ohhhhh, Rin-niisan?" Naruto said uncertain

"Of course" he transformed back to his adult form

"So your a ninja" Naruto said excitedly dragging him inside

"No, im not" he said while giving a fond hair-ruffle getting inside his mood changed when he saw Naruto's apartment.

"Soo messy" i mutter looking around, there is so many dirty clothes, empty cup noodles, and dishes on the sink. I looked at Naruto, his blushing from embarrassment.

Signing rolling up his sleeves.

"Lets clean this place first, and of course your helping me Naruto" he said while picking up the dirty clothes

"Okay" Naruto mutter picking up the empty cup noodles,

He put the clothes on the washing machine, while Naruto throw the trash outside. He nearly scream when he lift Naruto's bed, he saw many cockroaches, he nearly throw up by the amount of it. No choice he clean the hole house.

Signing tiredly finally done cleaning, he found Naruto sleeping on his clean bed. He smile fondly and get to the kitchen to cook, and thank god Naruto has the equipment and utensils. Cooking a simple dish, he prepared the table and get to Naruto but Naruto was already behind him standing shock.

"You're still here?" Naruto asked

"Of course, I'm going to cook for you remember?" He smiled "Now sit and lets eat" Naruto sit and looked at the food, we eat and i heard a snips sound, i looked at Naruto shoving the food in his mouth why crying. And my heart breaks at this sight.

"Don't cry Naruto, is the food not to your liking"

"Noooo!....its not that.....this....this is the first time somebody cook for me" Naruto said while ducking his head.

'Naruto...' I thought while clutching my fist.

"Then, be prepare then, i will cook for you every day" i said smiling

"Really" Naruto said finally looking up.

"Yes, i promise" i said smiling and Naruto also smile brightly

'So cute'

"Was is good Naruto"

(A/N: the picture of the food he cook will be on the comments)

"Yes its good, but not as good as ramen, ramen is the food of gods" Naruto said

"Was ramen really that good?" I asked

"You never tasted ramen!!!" Naruto shrieked horrified that i never tasted his precious ramen.

"No?" I mutter looking at his dramatic face

"You have to eat one" Naruto said trying to get up.

"Nope, not now, it's already dark" i said

"Awww, common" Naruto whined

"No" i said shaking my head

"Okay" Naruto groans finally agreeing

After were done eating, we taken a bath, and changed.

"Hooooo!, finally i got a nice bath" i said getting out of the bathroom, Naruto is already on his bed. When im finally leaving Naruto grabbed my clothes and asked.

"Can you stay?" Naruto asked looking at me with hopeful eyes. I looked at his tiny bed.

"We wouldn't fit" i said

"Ohhhhh" Naruto mutter sadly letting me go

"But i know what to do" i said

"what?" Naruto asked

"With this" he transformed into Pikachu

"Woah, coal" Naruto shouted picking me up

"Pika pika" i said

"What?" Naruto asked

"Pika pika pika chu" i said pointed the bed

"Ohhhhh" Naruto said finally getting it, he walked to the bed lay there embracing me

"Good night Rin-niisan" Naruto said looking at my Pikachu form

"Pika pika" (Good night)

Finally they both sleep comfortably..


To be continued...







Next chapter's....

Chapter 7: Pranking with Naruto

Chapter 8: Getting Caught by Kakashi


Sorry for this short chapter.

Im running out of ideas, because i have so many fanfics to update.

And it's stressing me out, because it was getting hard story lining.

But i still tried today....

Im planning to take a break the whole day, but i got bored an wrote this chapter..

I hope you like it...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MasterOfDeath7777creators' thoughts