
Chapter 175 - The Situation Degenerate

Ren stops using his Shunko and once again calmly dons his full shinigami attire, while Orochimaru is still swinging his tail and spikes, and shooting Cero at his illusory image created by his Bankai, then all of the sudden Orochimaru yells "Enough flying around!! Now I'll destroy that fucking tree and stop your regeneration!!"

Orochimaru then lightly cuts his hands with his spikes, then raises his hands up pointing at the sky, and soon a huge spinning balls of Black Chakra with purple forms in front of Orochimaru's Seven Snake heads, then he yells "Gran Rey Cero Oscuras" and releases the huge amount of Chakra he gathered.

The released Cero makes a razor-like spinning motion in which is compressed and decompresses due to its sheer speed and raw power, unlike the normal Cero that charges in the shape of a ball and fires in a beam formation, the Gran Rey Cero when fired maintains it's sphere-like shape, even after fired in a huge blast wave and at the same time swallows all the light in the surroundings leaving behind only darkness, but Orochimaru aim is off by a lot and he basically shoots it into the ocean.

Right at that moment, Ren says "Now, it's time to act, if I delay anymore Orochimaru could realize that he is being fooled" then Ren raises his right arm and pointing at Orochimaru he says "Shihai no Kōki (Rule Aroma)" and the flowers of his Bankai shines in purple light and at the same time Orochimaru stops moving, his body relaxes, his gaze devoid of any emotion or will just like that of a puppet.

Seeing this Ren let out a sigh and says "Shihai no Kōki, a technique that puts someone under absolute hypnosis, it takes a lot of time for it to work but once used, your target will be under your total control for 30 min more or less... the only downside is that I can't use it to permanently change someone's ideas or order them to kill themselves... but the good is that no matter how powerful someone is this will work without fail nobody is immune to it!".

Then Ren moves near the still Orochimaru and says "Now, let's go and help the Ninja Alliance fight Obito...Oh! Almost forgot, if we met Shinigami you will attack him with your full strength!", after saying this Ren sits on Orochimaru's shoulder and commands "Go!" and both disappears as Orochimaru uses Sonido to quickly reach the other battlefield still very fast despite his enormous size.

At the same time, back to Naruto and Obito's Tug of War, the other ninjas notices that the Shinju (God Tree) stopped moving and attacking as soon as Naruto and Sasuke were able to land a hit on Obito making the Bijuus' Chakra come out of his body.

Naruto then from his tails releases his Chakra to grab the Bijuus' one and is able to take a hold on the Chakra of Shukaku, Matatabi, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken, Chomei, and Kurama, but was unable to grab Isobu and Gyuki one as he didn't have a piece of their chakra in his body, but Quickly Zabuza and B come and grabs their respective Bijuu's Chakra and starts to pull, at the same time Gaara comes and helps Naruto pulling Shukaku's Chakra saying "I was originally one with the Ichibi, I shall help".

At the same time, Shikamaru with Ino's help, explains the current situation to everyone and asks for their help, while Naruto and Obito's battle for the Bijuus' Chakra continues, Obito recovers from the shock of being hit and yells "This is the power that the Rikudou Sennin held... The Jinchuriki of the Juubi! Don't you dare underestimate me!!" and starts pulling back the Bijuus' Chakra.

Seeing that Naruto was losing, Sasuke uses his Susanoo to help him pull and says "It's fine, just pull, Naruto", and at the same time Rock Lee, Ten Ten, Neji, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Hinata, Shino, Kiba and Sai land on top of Kurama and starts helping Naruto pull, as Kiba says "Naruto, you are the one that asked us for help! So that's what we'll do... Until the very end!".

Moved Naruto yells "You guys...!", and Shikamaru adds "Not just us", and soon the rest of the Ninja Alliance came one after another, and Minato, who lands on top of Kurama, grabs the Bijuus' Chakra with a Chakra Hand and sprouting tendril-like tails instructs the Alliance to grab hold of his Chakra to join the effort.

Seeing this, with new vigor Naruto yells "Yossha!! Everyone we're doing this together!! READY... SET...!", at the same time, in his subconscious Obito sees himself alone against the entire Alliance, and as he begins to contemplate more and more of his decisions and visualize what his life could have been like, he grapples to come to terms with what he views to be regret.

Speaking to him directly from their connection, Naruto tells Obito that despite his declaration of being no one, he was in fact someone with dreams not unlike his own, bonds with other people in the world, both friends and family, and declared that he was "Obito Uchiha" and that he would destroy his real mask which was the face he portrayed of being no one.

Meanwhile, as Naruto is using his most powerful Jutsu on Obito, Karin outside sees that the situation is going in their favor and that slowly they are pulling out the Bijuus' Chakra, but a bad feeling is assaulting her, and she remembers the instruction Ren gave her if something like this happened or worse, so she quickly decides to act and put a few insurances.

Karin decisively uses her Kongō Fūsa (Adamantine Sealing Chains) and binds the Bijuus' Chakra with it, then she quickly extracts a piece of every Bijuus' Chakra and put it inside a sealing scroll.

Then she moves next to B and pulls out a scroll, she opens it and activates it as the ink spreads out in the form of a special seal with B in the center, who quickly asks "What are you doing girl!?" and Karin as she concentrates replies "I'm changing your seal to the Tegatai Kizuna (Secure Bond) Seal, this way it will be safer for both you and the Hachibi! For this to work I need the consent of both parties, the Bijuu and the Jinchuriki!" hearing this and feeling her sincerity, both B and Gyuki gave their consent, then she slams her palm on the scroll and the seals around B rush into his body overwriting the previous seal with the new one.

Just as Karin was about to move and do the same to Naruto, she stops as she notices that they are about to fully pull out all the Chakra and finally win, but right at that moment, a Gargant opens near them and Shinigami once again free came out, yelling "That bastard! If there is something that I hate more than begin used, is being sealed!! Luckily I was able to escape before he completed the Bakudo...".

Then he notices the situation and quickly moves near Obito and says "Oh... I can't let you fail so easily when you are this close... Let me help you..." and as the cursed seal on his arm shine, he quickly moves and grabs the Bijuus' Chakra, easily stopping the Ninja Alliance efforts.

Pick Up of the Day

I am thou, thou art I, and us together. (Persona 5)


Have a Nice Day Cya

Odyincreators' thoughts