
Harry Potter: Book 1 Part 10 ("I like Trains")

# HEY I HAVE A DISCORD SERVER https://discord.gg/9274TfZtf9

I will put polls in here for stuff like [Am I gonna go with a romance for Harriet?]

So join please there are like 3 other people only and we need more members! #


'Your new Saber/Lancer/Assassin/Archer/Foreigner/Berserker/Caster/Alter/Ruler/Grand Caster'

Mission- Summon Artoria to have her train her new descendant into a proper king


Bonus goals- Summon Merlin to have him train his new descendant into a Magus of Flowers


- Summon Archer(EMIYA) To train both you and "Your New Pendragon" in both the way's of fighting and the mundane things


- Rewards

- Merlin's staff (+ Prototype version) & Excalibur Morgan

- SP+ 1000

- Bonus Rewards

- EMIYA Level cooking

- Better control Over Magecraft

- Personal throne of Hero's ( All summoned servants stay here when not summoned or when travelling through dimensions )



#Forgot to use this last chapter before the end but he completed the mission and claimed it she has both Excalibur's and Staffs, She will mainly use the Prototype Staff I will explain later #

#Play "02 - Necromancer ~ Fate/Apocrypha (OST I) - [ZR]"#

Today was the day that we would go to Hogwarts, Harriet had all of her stuff in her truck which she shrunk using magecraft.

[Harriet]「 Hey Fou, Do you know where the entrance is? 」She asked her companion curiously as she had no idea where to go

[Fou]「 It should be in the well between platforms 9 & 10 signs, Hey if we see the Weasleys and molly is breaking the Statute of Secrecy, We need to report her to the Auror's 」 I had explained to her to find the well between both of the platform number signs, and what to do in case we see Molly breaking the Statute of Secrecy AKA SOS,

[Harriet]「 Alright Fou, Now let's see here Platform 1... 2... 4... 7... 9!, It should be right through this pillar right? 」She had to walk around looking at the helpful platform indicators, after walking around to platform 9 she found the sign with 10 on the other side

[Fou]「 Yes, This is it, Now we just head through to the oth- 」 I had started to explain how to get to the platform when all of a sudden, I was rudely interrupted by a loud shrill voice, I had to cover my ears because of how much they hurt from the noise, Note to self, Keep away from the Banshee

[???]「 Come along Everyone! We have to get to Platform 9 & 3/4! Watch out for Muggles, Can't let them know about it! 」 Turning our head over to her, we watched as she escorted her herd of children

[Harriet]「 I know she acted like this in the books but... With how loud she is people are staring at them, she has clearly broken the SOS 」She had commented, And I just nodded in agreement

[Fou]「 You look way too different from what everyone thinks, just go through and report her 」I had told her to just go through, Since she looks way too different from what everyone thought she would, and to report molly because she just broke the SOS

[???]「 Mom! Where is she, I want to meet her, oh... I still can't believe that she is going to be my wife! Even if she doesn't know it yet 」 The only one's left was Ron, Molly and Ginny, and Ron obviously want to see Harriet so they can meet

[Molly]「 Be patient Ronald, I'm sure she would be here and if she isn't in the next 5 minutes we can be certain she is on the platform, and I can't wait to meet her two, I just know my grandbabies are gonna be cute and ill spoil them rotten, Now you have the chocolate dosed in L.P right? 」 She had started off by telling him to be patient while assuming they would meet soon or on the train, Said something about grandbabies, then openly hint at chocolate having been dosed in a Love Potion

[Fou]「 You look way too different from what everyone thinks, just go through and report her 」I had told her to just go through, Since she looks way too different from what everyone thought she would, and to report molly because she just broke the SOS, and openly hinted at subjecting a child to a Love Potion

[Harriet]「 Let's leave Fou, I can stand to be around that prat, And she seriously needs to be reported, But first we need to ask around if anyone knows where an Auror is 」She had told Fou while walking through the Barrier

# This is what she looks like but with Green Eyes and Blonde Hair #

# Yes she currently has the staff out, Her hair is styled the same, and she has the same clothes on, She looked very beautiful, moved with the grace of a Pureblood Heiress #

After walking into the platform, It was somewhat Crowded, and as we didn't know how to find the Aurors we went to the nearest respectable family we saw, It was a family of three. The father looked like he was a slippery fellow, he had "Pale Blonde" hair with "Cold Grey" eyes, He was about 5ft11, and he seemed to carry himself with arrogance and a lazy manner but was on guard, always watching and was ready to protect his family, The mother However had "Blonde" hair similar in colour to Harriet's own, She was 5ft10 and slim, Finally the child he had "Silver Blonde" hair with "Steel Gray" eyes and was about 4ft10, which made her taller at about 5ft1, she had started to approach them, and when she reached them

[Harriet]「 Greetings, I apologize for interrupting your day, But do you know where I can find an Auror? 」She had politely greeted them and went straight to asking where she can find an Auror

[???]「 Greetings young lady, I do believe I could call one over for you, but if I may, can I inquire about why you are searching for an Auror? 」The father had replied, He had calculating eyes, he had seen what she was wearing and could feel the magic pouring off of the staff she held, He knew she wasn't to be trifled with

[Harriet]「 Thank you, I would like if you could call one over, There is a short and plump woman with red hair outside the barrier, she was being extra loud attracting attention from the... muggles was the word yes? she was clearly breaking the Statute of Secrecy 」She had thanked him politely and had explained the situation to him

[Lucius]「 Well, I am Lucius Malfoy, this is my wife Narcissa Malfoy and our son Draco Malfoy, I don't believe I have seen you here before is this your first year? 」Lucius had seen how the young woman carried herself, much like himself, ready to defend at a moments notice, and although tall for her age she seemed to be the same as her son

[Harriet]「Yes it is, Thank you for asking, I am not that well versed in the wizarding world because at a young age instead of going to any of my godparents a certain headmaster interfered and I was sent to live with muggles, They worked me like a House Elf for most of my life, Oh where are my manners, I am Harriet Emiya or Caster as I would prefer you call me, and this little creature on my shoulder is my faithful companion and familiar Fou 」After Harriet had told them about her life at the Dursleys because she wanted to explain why she wasn't well versed in the wizarding world, the Malfoys looked absolutely horrified, and for good reason

[Draco]「 That must have been Horrid, I do hope you won't have to go back there, would you like to join me and my friends on the train after the situation with the Auror's is done? 」Draco had an immediate interest in the girl, she sounded and looked like an angel to him, if he wanted to marry anyone in the future it would be her

[Harriet]「 Thank you, I would love to do so, Maybe you can help me understand more of my original world 」She had thanked him politely, but afterward, an Auror showed up in the middle of their talk

[Random Auror]「Hello there, I am an Auror with the ministry, I had gotten a report about someone Breaking the SOS, can you tell me about it? 」The Auror had asked Harriet to answer some question's while Draco went to save her a seat on the train

[Harriet]「 There is a short and plump woman with red hair outside the barrier, she claimed to be a weasely and ranted about muggles very loudly to her kids, Then she explained about, I believe she called it the "Sacred 28" and how they were nobles, I saw a lot of people overheard her talking, I am honestly shocked by how a noble would act so pompously, and she had told her youngest son and I quote "Be patient Ronald, I'm sure she would be here and if she isn't in the next 5 minutes we can be certain she is on the platform, and I can't wait to meet her two, I just know my grandbabies are gonna be cute and ill spoil them rotten, Now you have the chocolate dosed in L.P right?" If L.P stands for what I think it does, I think she is actively sending her son to seduce someone to gain their foutune」She had explained everything in detail to the officer who had to call backup

[Random Auror]「 Thank you for the cooperation ma'am, I'll be sure to bring her into custody and have her given a trial at the ministry, Good day Mr. Malfoy, Mrs. Malfoy, Miss Emiya, Please have a good day and don't be late for the train young miss, you don't want to miss out on your education do you? 」The Auror thanked the Malfoys for calling him over, and Harriet because of her reporting what happened, Now you may be wondering what fou was doing this entire time? He was just enjoying having a nap as a scarf on Harriet

[Harriet]「 Well, There is little time until the train leaves thank you Mr & Mrs. Malfoy I hope to speak with you another time 」She had said her goodbyes and gotten on the train and left to find Draco

[NEXT TIME ON DRE- *Ahem* Uh... Primate murder through a multiverse!]
