
Chapter 85

Cul sat on his throne, smiling as names floated through his head until he finally stopped at one.

Ego the living planet.

Knull and Galactus were the ones Cul wanted to start off with, but even if he knew he would win, the fight would provide at least some difficulties, especially with Knull and the necrosword.

So he would start smaller until they couldn't pose even the slight of difficulties, and since he wanted to start small why not devour the living planet Ego.

Cul rose from his throne and disappeared.

In a room in the palace, Gaea could be seen sitting around a table with none other than Bestia.

"It seems Cul is excited about something." says Bestia.

"It would seem so, the only things that could get him this excited would finding a way out of the problem that has been bothering him for the longest time." says Gaea.

"You are right my love, the problem has been solved its now time for me to act once again." says Cul as he appears in the room, and time stops freezing his mother so she couldn't hear the conversation about to take place.

"Are you sure it's solved?" questioned Gaea.

"Yes." answered Cul.

"Who is your victim this time?"

"Ego the living planet, I'm starting small then Galactus and Knull will soon follow."

"He's able to fight an hungered Galactus, but that's all you should be fine, are you carrying anyone with you?"

"No, I'll be back by the end of the day this shouldn't take long."

"Mhm, be safe."

"I will." saying that Cul disappears not to another area in the serpent realm but out of the realm appearing floating in the vast emptiness of space.

"It's been a long time." says Cul

Cul took a step into space and a rift opened and without any hesitation, he stepped through.

As he did, it closed, and he reappeared before what could only be called a bizarre sight, floating below Cul was a planet, not just any planet a planet with a face.

And as Cul looked down at it its eyes stared up at him.

"Who are you?" Ego asked.

But Cul didn't answer as he clasped his hands and then spread them out in slow motion, it seemed to do nothing as he did it but Ego's expression became hardened.

"Creating your own space and cutting it off from the outside in one motion is very impressive as you even managed to move while doing so without my knowledge, it would seem your intention arent of a friendly nature so there is no need to speak anymore." says Ego.

Tendrils suddenly spout from the planet's surface, each one enormous as then instantly reaches Cul slamming down on him.

Seeing the tendrils coming down on him, Cul already who was already wearing his armor watched them with indifference.

As they reached with a foot of Cul's body they were blasted back, by the passive effect of his armor as the attacking power wasn't strong enough to break through, but as quickly as they were blasted back they appeared again raining down on Cul as he stood there.

Ego was considered strong in the marvel universe, but to the current Cul he is nothing, Cul isn't like Galactus who isn't always at his best, Cul always has access to his full power so Ego doesn't stand a chance, the only reason Cul even bothered to block off space was because Ego could pull power from stars and other planets, while also having the ability Hyperspace Travel, and there was the factor of blocking the destruction that would attract others attention.

Cul looked down on Ego and finally made a move.

"Space sword."

With a single swipe of his finger, all the tendrils were cut off.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" Ego screamed as something gushed from his wounds.

"Space lock."

Ego was frozen in place, with the scream still in progress but he could move at all, then it happened.

Cul transformed quickly into a gigantic serpent that seemed to stretch on forever, every single one of his scales was black as his eyes locked on to Ego, and as his enormous mouth opened Ego was swallowed whole as Cul used devour.

It was only after Cul transformed did Ego knew who had come after him, but it was too late as he couldn't resist.

It didn't take very long for cul to devour Ego and return to his normal form as he check his status.

Name: Cul Borson

Age: 15,216

Gacha tokens: 0

Race:???( previous races have combined and have yet to be named)

Divinities: Fear, Magic, destruction, space, death

Abilities: All speak, Asgardian Physiology, Fear empowerment, space manipulation destruction energy, magic manipulation, Conquer haki, annihilation maker, Devourer, Immortality, limited future sight, Lifeforce Absorption, Control Over Life and Death, Hellfire, Death God, Ruler of the underworld, Olympian Physiology, new God Yuga Khan, Perfect Worthless, Dark elves physiology, Frost giant Physiology, out of sight out of mind, delayed fate, true wanderer of the omniverse.

Psionic Powers: You now generate vast psionic energies, If you deplete your energy below a level that it can replenish by itself, you can renew your energy stores by tapping outside sources, like stars, or digesting large numbers of living beings.

Awakening_ you are able to bring out the consciousness of planets, these 'awakened' planets are also able to command every aspect upon themselves, and will follow your will.

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