
Chapter 37: Narcissist's Basketball 1


Yukio announced and tossed the ball in the air.

Just as he did so, Seiya and Kise both jumped to catch the ball. Kise was taller so it seemed like he will take the lead however, Seiya's strength was also no joke and to everyone's surprise, he was the one who caught the ball and took the lead.

"Heh!" Seiya smirked as he took the ball to the basket.

Although he seemed happy from outside, his inner self was constantly analyzing all the parameters to goal a dunk.

Besides, he has a perfect plan to execute. All he needs is Kise to play with.

"Not now!" Kise also ran towards Seiya to take the ball.

Seiya looked behind and saw that Kise was catching him up but his speed was slow as if Kise was planning to catch the ball before the dunk.

However, Seiya had other plans. He suddenly takes a turn towards his left side and stopped just before the three-point line, creating more distance from Kise's intervention.

'No way!' When Kise saw Seiya suddenly stopping at the left corner of the three-point line, he was shocked.

Not only him but all the audience watching the match who understands the basketball rules were stunned.

Is Seiya serious about scoring a three-pointer at just the start of the match?!

Seiya couldn't be more serious and he jumped lightly, aimed at the basket, and shot the ball. The ball slowly rose in the air, floating like a bird before finally falling in the basket.

It was a three-pointer!

Seiya 3-0 Kise

"It was a pretty clever shot!" Kise said as he caught the ball.

Since it was one on one, 5 seconds delay was reduced to 3 seconds.

"Focus on your shot, Kise!" Seiya said as he leaped towards the other basket to stop Kise.

"Oh, I will," Kise smirked and passed the middle court.

Seiya then came to confront Kise but Kise passed through him like butter, by driving the ball between Seiya's legs and then stopped at the three-pointer line similar to where Seiya had scored.

'Don't tell me…' Seiya was a little surprised as Kise also scored a three-pointer similar just like Seiya.

Seiya 3-3 Kise

"Kya! Kise-sama is so cool!"

"Yeah, he was like a prince riding the horse, so charming~!!"

"Kise-sama! You are the best!"

Seiya twitched his lips with annoyance when he saw the whole group of girls cheering for Kise like his fan club, no, they were literally his fan club as they were all wearing headbands of his name.

'Idiots!' Seiya can't believe that there are girls who have so horrible taste in men.

Here he scored the three-pointer first but didn't get much attention while the whole court was cheering for Kise as he has just won the election.

Even though Kise has blond hair and a cool face and is also taller than Seiya, he was not near as handsome and talented as Seiya, right?!

"Hey, where is your attention?"

It was then Kise passed him the ball when he was moaning the injustice of the fans.

Seiya then realized that he wasted 3 seconds delay.

"You should have taken the shot," Seiya said and then ran across the middle court, right towards Kise who was there to block him.

"Nah, don't feel like it." Kise shrugged his shoulders, however; he then realized his mistake, a mistake for not scoring while Seiya was not paying attention but for underestimating Seiya.

Seiya then came forward and just like Kise, Seiya also passed him like butter by dribbling the ball between his legs.

However, unlike Kise, it was Seiya was so closer that if he moves a little bit, he would be colliding with Seiya and that made him freeze in his position. Kise at that time saw an image of his old captain of Generation of Miracles, Seijūrō Akashi in Seiya. The move cannot be any more perfect.

"No, really. You should have taken the chance."

Kise could only see and hear Seiya passing him with a grin before he tripped and fell on the court.

On other hand, Seiya ran towards his basket at fast speed.

'Now it's time to see what Seiya Kanie is made of!'

Seiya smirked then jumped high in the air almost two feet away from the three-pointer line.

"...what the….."

Silence prevailed in the court as Seiya was so high that was usually the height of a basket but the basket was so far away. How will he score?!

They couldn't be more surprised at what they saw next.

'It can't be…' Kise was also shocked as he was approaching Seiya but he could only see this inhuman boy from distance only.

While in the air, Seiya tossed the ball with his left hand in the air and made a fist.

"Ha!" Seiya howled and punched the ball.

The ball flew like a bullet with a little trajectory before hitting the backboard and finally sinking into the basket.

Dum* dum* dum*


It was pure silence that engulfed the basketball court as no one could process what just happened, no, how the hell did that happen?!

It was not a basketball shot but a volleyball dunk!

"…That was awesome!"

"Yeah, it was so cool that I even forgot to breathe!"

"Man I can't believe we have an ace hiding among us!"

"Yeah, I knew he was a SUS from his first shot!"






Seiya nodded with a smile after finally getting the attention he wanted. For him, if he is delivering something worth the praise then it was his right to get that praise. That's his narcissist way!


Somewhere on the roof of the court, a black cat was also watching her disciple's match.

'He is good.' Yoruichi thought and smirked in her cat form. She was just here to observe Seiya in school, with totally no ulterior motive and then spotted Seiya playing a one on one basketball match.

At a distance, a black-haired girl was also observing the match with a blond-haired gyaru looking, girl.

Another girl with pale cream hair color, carrying a wooden sword, was also watching the match intensely.

While a young boy with blonde hair and dark blue eyes with dark bags underneath was also watching the match.

Aki Tomoya was also present with his anime club combined with one depressed-looking teen and one overweight boy wearing a cap. Anyone can tell that they are core nerds.

Another voluptuous girl with golden-brown hair tied in a ponytail could be seen observing the match from a distance.

(AN: Can anyone guess their names?)

"I can't believe it…" It was the words of Shiro that slips from his mouth while his eyes were wide open. His friend Seiya… just what the hell is he? The last shot can't simply be played by a high schooler right?!

"Fufu, just as expected from *my* boyfriend." Utaha chuckled as she was watching the match but her speech was more like a mock towards a certain blond-haired girl.

"Utaha Kasumigaoka!" Eriri gritted her teeth but then took a deep breath and calmed down. "I am going to ignore you. You don't even understand *your* boyfriend."

"Sawamura-san, care to explain in detail?" Utaha asked with a twitching eyebrow.

"Ho?" Eriri smirked but then she saw Utaha's hair rising in the air with a dark aura surrounding her and then coughed, "Just wait and watch."

After a couple of minutes of play, Eriri asked, "What did you see?"

"Hmm, I think Seiya-kun has started to struggle…." Utaha mumbled.

It was indeed the case as Kise was leading the score and it was almost the time for a break.

"So you have no idea what is inside in that guy's mind?" Eriri asked again for while Utaha shook her head. "Why do you think Seiya-senpai is mainly aiming for three-pointers rather than proper dunk?"

Utaha then started to think. It was indeed the case since Seiya was only aiming for three-pointers without playing like a pro.

Although his three-pointers were amazing as he even scored from behind the mid-court line scoring successfully, it was only when Kise was away or loses his guard which only happened one for five times.

Seiya only scored one point only three times while he was going usually for three-pointers which Kise usually blocked.

Seiya could even be seen kicking the air looking frustrated. If a normal person would see him then they would say that Seiya was wasting his time and effort. The match would be going to be with Kise's win.

"It is because Seiya-senpai only *playing* with that golden punk. Doesn't it look like he was practicing his shots rather than playing the actual game?" Eriri asked.

Utaha then widened her eyes and realized Seiya's actual plan. This time she has to applaud her boyfriend for his cunningness that even surpassed her ability to read the scenario.

"I have to say, Sawamura-san is good at reading my boyfriend." Utaha smiled. This time she was really amazed by Eriri's ability to read Seiya she wondered why?

"Well, I am an artist and good at observing people, my hidden kick~," Eriri said and flicked her ponytail. "Besides, I have a fair share of trouble dealing with that guy."

'Who the hell is she?' Shiro was also listening to Eriri who was just sitting beside him. Shiro then remembered seeing this blond ojou-sama on the first day of school and thought that she must be Seiya's close friend.

"Senpai, where are you looking at?"


Shiro flinched with fear when he heard a cold yet familiar voice.

"S-sakura?! When did you get here?" Shiro asked with confusion. Wasn't there a dude sitting there? Where did he go? When did she appear? Why didn't he notice?!

"Oh, I saw a commotion when I was returning from the storage and then came here to see the match. Isn't this match exciting?" Sakura asked with a radiating smile.

"Yeah…" Shiro also nodded but then noticed something in Sakura's hand, "What's that?"

"Oh, it's cutter knife. I was unboxing so I forgot to return it. Silly me~." Sakura smoked and tugged her head slightly.

"Is that so… put that away. It could hurt someone." Shiro asked.

"Hai~!" Sakura beamed a smile and put it in her pocket.

'Cute!' Shiro also smiled with rosy cheek when he saw his cute kohai's smile. So pure and so bright, it just makes his day.

They then continued to watch.


"Khuu!" Seiya groaned as he tried to take the ball away from Kise but the ace of Kaijō High was now in the complete mood to win the match.

Kise then passed through him and jumped to score but then he saw Seiya's hand blocking the dunk. However, he only needed to change the end of the ball from left to right hand before dunking it in the basket.

"Halt! Break!" Yukio came forward and stopped the match.

Seiya 25-30 Kise

It was Kise's lead.

'Tch.' Seiya clicked his tongue as he saw Kise leading the score. He had to admit that this kid is talented.

"I didn't… expect you to be this good… I thought you must have stopped playing basketball…" Kise said with a smile while panting with heavy breaths. Although he was smiling, he was drenched in sweat from head to toe like just taken a shower. He was damn tired.

"I did…" Seiya also smiled while also panting with tiredness, "…until just now…" He then smirked, "… and you shouldn't have poked me…"

"Oya… well I will see you in a three-minute break, Chao~!" Kise waved his hand and went towards his bench.

"Yeah, you will see…" Seiya smirked and went towards his bench where Shiro was waiting for him with drinks and towels.

His eyes as well as his smile was only fixated on his skill window that no one can see. Who needs acting on TV when you can act and play with your opponent live?



Name: Seiya Kanie

Age: 16

STR: 34

AGI: 34

STA: 34

INT: 100

WIS: 60

CHA: 56

LUC: 60

Innate Ability: Natural Narcissist.

Other Abilities: Exercise, Skill Maker, Appraisal, Inventory, Mystic Eye (left) of Life Perception

Skills: [Mathematics (Invincible) +], [English (Expert) +], [Literature (Master) +], [Science (Advance) +], [Cooking (Advance) +], [Basketball (Advance) +], [Mental Resistance (Invincible)], [Teaching (Advance) +], [Management (Expert) +], [Taste Resistance (Expert) +] [Singing (Expert)] +], [Massage (Master) +], [Hand Sign language (Advanced) +], [Acupuncture (Master) +], [Accuracy (Expert) +]

System Points: 830]



[Sub-Quest: Slam dunk.

The narcissist was challenged on the basketball court. So let's save your pride and win this game in a thriller.

Objective: Win the match.

Rewards: 120 system pints, +30 CHA, +30 LUC, and ???

Note: The hidden reward and its level will be determined from the ultimate outcome of the game.]


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