
Chapter 1: Narcissist's Rebirth


A man in his twenties groaned while walking on the street delirious with drunkenness. Dressed in black, people would assume he was a regular salary worker which he actually was.

His name was Seiya. Unlike his cool name, he was above average looking but… average.

If people were to see him in that state, they would assume that he was either broke in relationship matters or was fired from the company. Surprisingly, both of which were true.

He used to work in a law firm with fair good income and support but after the 100th divorce of his client, he left the firm and joined the stockbroker company.

However, after pain streaking work for more than three years, his company went bankrupt and he, along with other employees, was fired.

In short, his luck is just bad.

So like any other Japanese common man roasted by society, he went to a bar and treated himself to a feast. After drinking to his heart's content, he was staggering toward his apartment.

After somehow managing to enter his apartment, he jumped down to his bed.

One-room apartment for an average salaryman. His room was decorated with some anime posters and figurines that he won in his high school days. Yeah, he is an otaku.

He looked at the ceiling of his apartment and sighed.

"What am I doing with my life…?" He asked himself.

He had a master's degree in finance and law which he never had any interest in. Just for sake of becoming rich, he entered that hell of a commerce field and ruined his life. To earn money, to satisfy his parents, he twisted his dreams and goals just to get some extra money.

Although he actually had tons of money to spend years lavishly, he had no one to spend time with. Parents are dead, friends moved to foreign countries, and girls… let's just say that he had a pretty hard time going along with them.

With his awesome looks and his great intelligence (according to him), he could be a great actor, a singer, or maybe a game developer but that one wrong mindset ruined everything.

"Just maybe… just maybe, if I could start over, I won't make such idiotic choices. Fu*k, why the hell do I sound like a cliché male MC of cliché rebirth manga? Or manhwa since they are in trending."

He chuckled and thought that he could have achieved something if he had invested a little bit of his interest in the entertainment industry, he wouldn't be living such dry life.

"Whatever… I have to make a resume for my next job…" With another sigh, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

(AN: Ah shit, here we go again.)

The next morning, he opened his eyes and yawned.

"Hmm, where am I…?" Feeling a little nostalgic, he looked at his room which seemed a little different than usual like he was returned to the room of his high school days.

Feeling a little confused, he stood from his bed and walked towards a full body mirror in his room.

"What the hell?! Who the heck is this super handsome dude?" He widened his eyes and touched the mirror as if confirming the existence of the mirror is really him or just the Harry Porter hoax.

The dude had golden eyes and short hair with a relatively tall body of a high schooler.

Then his brain went for a reboot after processing his recent memories and actions, he concluded that he was awakened in his teenage body.

And it was soon confirmed when he checked the calendar in his room.

(AN: I don't want to mention a specific date but he should be in 2014 to 2015.)

"Yes, my wish has been granted! Thanks, Kami-sama. Well, if I had to say in terms of wuxia, heavens didn't give up on me… or something like that… I don't care, I hate that trash." Seiya muttered while roaming in his room.

He didn't know what but something was missing from his memories of his new body and something new was also present.

For example, some 'new' people were now part of his memories while 'something' was omitted from his memories like some anime, games, and other 'cultural' stuff.

Let us review his profile.

Seiya Kanie was a 16 years old highschooler going to attend his second year. He was a fairly good-looking young man. He was good at both academics and athletics and used to stand top of his class.

However, it went down to gutter just a year ago when he was in the first year of high school. He was bullied, mocked, and laughed at.

Why? Because he was called the 'biggest narcissist of Japan'.

Yes, he was a narcissist and egocentric. Because he was so boastful of his abilities, he looked down on others and always mocked them to be inferior to him, making him the target of isolation from his classmates and some bullying.

So he immersed himself in video games and started to turn away from society. He would have become a total NEET if not for his intelligence excelling in every subject and transferring to a better high school.

In short, he was a narcissist with a very poor image.

"Sigh* so my past is same… I can't believe that even after changing high school, I still became trash in the sense that I reverted my way towards the commerce field from the entertainment industry."

It was this time that he chose the finance field and discard the entertainment field despite being a genius child actor.

"Well, time for some research…" He got up from his bed and was about to switch on his computer when he heard a knock on his room door.

But before he could answer the knock, the person opened the door and entered.

"Seiya, just how much would you take to get out of the room? It is already time for lunch!" A woman spoke.

She had brown hair tied up into a messy ponytail and golden eyes similar to Seiya. She had a little buxom figure as her breast could be seen jiggling under her braless t-shirt.

"Got it, Nee-san. I was about to come out." Seiya answered the woman calling her 'nee-san' whose actual name was Aisu Kyūbu. She was another person new to his family.

(AN: Aisu Kyūbu from Amagi Brilliant Park


Aisu, however, was taken back from Seiya's calm and plane answer. Why? Because one, she usually had to drag Seiya out of his room for lunch since he always slept late despite herself sleeping late too but she was his 'nee-san' and second, Seiya would never answer or talk with Aisu so respectfully.

In her image, Seiya had turned into a rude and ill-mannered narcissist a few years ago so hearing such a plane answer was something uncommon that came out from Seiya's mouth.

"Are you really, Seiya? I mean, are you right in the head? I mean, you didn't hit your head while sleeping?" Aisu smirked and wanted to inquire Seiya with a little tease.

"Why are you reacting like an idiot? Should I call you 'my dear single aunt' to prove my identity?" Seiya smirked and answered only to dodge Aisu's punch easily. The woman in front of him was his aunt from his father's side.

He only called her 'nee-san' for the precise reason that she was a short-tempered bachelor and didn't like being called aunt or aunty.

"You got me, boy. I will let you off this time brat!" Aisu gritted her teeth and walked out of his room. Who she was kidding? Of course, her nephew was still a narcissist in the end. "Hurry up, your father is waiting."

Seiya sighed with a smile and nodded. He really missed his father. After looking at one last time, he walked out of his room.

(AN: Okay, I know many of you may have left confused so let me clarify. His existence is similar to Seiya Kanie from Amagi Brilliant Part but he doesn't know that he has become part of the anime world nor he was aware that he has become MC of Amagi Brilliant Park anime mixed with a slightly different background. I will explain everything in Author Note if I found anything confusing.)


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