
Population Control


The day had passed by in a flash, giving way for the darkness to take over.

"Forty-Three Bloodhounds. Slightly higher than last month."

Faye rolled up the map and handed it back to him.

"Why were we doing this again?"

His kill count was 12. After the first two encounters, she had allowed him to take on more of the monsters.

"Population control."

She pulled the reigns to change the direction and steer her steed towards the exit.

"Right. But why control it? Why not kill all of them?"

"We were barely getting by with just the two of us. We would need a battalion to clear out their main hideout. Just by mere speculation, their numbers could be anywhere from 500 to 1000 once we get deeper into their territory."

"Really? And master has done nothing about it?"

The monsters are a clear threat to the territory.
