
The Journey, Part One

Day 120, Year 3000.

"Are we going to travel on these things?"

Gawain couldn't believe his eyes. Joan displayed a proud smile.


She casually approached the animal, stroking its neck with affection.

"Did you miss me?"


The steed started to nod its head while playfully stomping its feet in the dirt.


She brought her hand to his head.

"I missed you too."

Slowly caressing the black fur on its forehead, she closed her eyes and brought her face close to its mouth. As a gesture of love, it revealed its tongue and licked her face, covering it with saliva.

'Is it a dog?'


She patted its head.

"Gawain, meet Norman."

A 6 foot tall, black horse that was built like a brawler. The mane on his neck was shining under the sunlight, and his eyes were pitch black. Standing face to face with him, one couldn't help but be intimidated by his presence.

"My steed, and an old member of our family."
