

Leo and Sky are covered by a blanket after making love.

"Are you sure that you will go to France?" -Leo asked him.

"Yeah.. I will. That is my biggest dream. I want to audition there."-sky replied to him.

"Well, can I go with you?" -Leo asked him.

"No, you better wait for me here... I'm going to stay there for one week."Sky replied to him.

"For 1 week?..but I don't want to-

"Just stay at your condo.. I'll make my audition perfect... and I'll come back here as soon as possible."-sky replied to him.

"When?"-Leo asked.

"Maybe next month." -sky replied to him.

"Let's sleep..I'm tired, an 1 week, felt 1 year for me. "-Leo said to him and he hugged him tightly.


"Jeez... she's already fallen asleep"-Cedrick said to his little sister.


"Goodnight, my little sister." -Cedrick said to his sister. Then he turned off the light and closed the door. Cedrick went to his bedroom. He noticed Liam had already fallen asleep, and he slept besides him. He hugged Liam, and Liam smiled.

After Kiana and Olivia finished playing Arcade, they went to the bar and drank as much as they wanted.

"It's so much fun here!" -Olivia, please give a shout out to Kiana.

"Of course, I will went here."-Kiana replied to her.

"I'm going to get some drinks." Lucas said to them.

"Bring me the strongest beer you can find." Kiana said to Lucas.

"I'll get it." -Lucas said to her.

"You're drunk now, Kiana!" Olivia said to her.

"No worries!I can carry my self-


"Hey Kiana, stand up. You can still stand up?" Olivia asked her.

"of course I can carry myself... look, I'm the strongest one." Kiana replied to her and she smile weirdly.

"Can we go home now? You're very drunk now."Olivia said to her.

"Who's going to go home? No, we will enjoy it here."Lucas said to them.

"Ow.. Lucas, you're here? Where's my beer? " Kiana asked Lucas.

Here, stand up now! Let's dance!"-Lucas said to Kiana


"You good?" Lucas asked him.

"Yeah, I'm good"-Kiana asked him.

Olivia tries to call Liam.

"Why hasn't he answered my calls?" Olivia said to herself. She tried to call him again. Finally, Liam answered the call,

"Hello, Olivia.... Why are you calling me at this hour?"Liam asked him.

"Hey!.. Do you hear me?" Olivia said to him.

"Yes.. I heard you..why?" And why is your background very noisy? Don't tell me-

"Hey.. Liam, can you pick me up here?" -Olivia said to Liam.

"Where?"Liam asked him.

"At the bar... at 25 resto." Olivia replied to him.

"but Olivia.. Cedrick is already asleep now"-Liam replied to her.

"Can you wake him up? Please Liam, pick me up here. Kiana and Lucas are very drunk now. " Olivia said to him.

"I'll try to wake him up." Liam replied to him.


"Cedrick?, wake up." -Liam said and he suddenly woke up.

"Why? .. there's something wrong? -Cedrick asked him.

"Can we pick up the three bastards in the club?" -Liam asked Cedrick.

"What time is it right now?"Cedrick asked him.

"It's 2AM," Liam replied.

"2AM? Who are they?" -Cedrick asked him.

"Kiana, Olivia, and Lucas"—Liam replied.

"Kiana has a Lamborghini, and Lucas has a car too, so why would we pick them up?" -Cedrick asked him.

"Olivia said... they are already drunk, they are acting crazy now." Liam replied to him.

"Where's the bar?"-Cedrick asked Liam as he yawn.

"At Resto 25," Liam replied.

"Then get my shirt... I'll pick them up"-Cedrick said to Liam.

"Hello?, Olivia?..Cedrick agreed with it.. so wait there." -Liam said to Olivia.

"Okay.. thank you"-Olivia replied to him and he end the call.

"Can I go with you?"Liam asks him.

"Are you sure? Get a jacket, it's cold outside."-Cedrick replied to him.

"Your key?"-Liam asked.

"Ow, I forgot.. I'm still a little bit sleepy."-Cedrick replied to him and Liam kissed his cheecks.

"I'm no longer sleppy.-Cedrick said to him.

"Crazy... let's go get them"-Liam said to him as he giggled.

"Bring my cap too."-Cedrick said to him.

Then they went outside to pick up the three basards in the club

10 minutes later, they arrived.

"Ow, Liam..here you are"-Olivia said to Liam.

"Where are they?"-Cedrick asked Olivia.

"They are in the chair. Lucas is acting crazy and kiana has already fallen asleep." Olivia replied.

"You go first to Cedrick's car."Liam said to Olivia.

"Yeah, I'll wait for you there." Olivia replied to him.

"I'll put Lucas in my car. Just keep an eye on Kiana"-Cedrick said to Liam.

"Put him in now. He's very stinky." -Liam said to him.

"Hey!, Kana, wake up!" -Liam said to Kiana.

"Who are you?"Kiana asked him.

"Bitch, this is Liam, get up now!" replied to him.

"Where are Olivia and Lucas?" Kiana asked him.

"She's in the car right now." Liam replied to him.

"One beer for me please"- kiana yelled.

"No, Kiana.. enough now!" -Liam said to him.

"But I want to-


" Again*"Arrrghh!..this!, hey wake up!" -Liam shouts to her.

"She's alright?"-Cedrick asked Liam.

"Yeah.. put her in the car too"-Liam replied to him.

"Oww, they are too stinky"Cedrick said to himself.

"Go quickly." Liam said to him.

Cedrick put the two on his car. When he was about to close the door, a girl came to his front.

"Cedrick?"-the girl said as he hold cedrick's arm.

He startled and he turned around.

"wopsy... let go of me." He said.

"Cedrick.. let's comeback. I still love you"the girl said to him and Liam got confused.

"comeback?" -Liam said to himself.

"No..we're done since before. Don't even touch me"-Cedrick said to him.

The girl hugged Cedrick and she forcibly kissed Cedrick's cheeks and Liam startled.

"Let me go... hey, I don't know you

anymore"-Cedrick said.

"But, Cedrick, we can-

Liam grabs her hands and he slaps the girl. The people in the club started looking and pointing at them.

"Don't you ever touch my man! You're such a bitch!" -Liam yelled at him.

"That is not your man! That is mine! "The girl replied again.


"Huh? a boy? *pointing at Liam*.. your lover is a boy? You're not going to last forever... Cedrick, you will come back to me and you? You're just a slut.


"Ouch! That's hurt!" She said as she hold her cheecks.

"It's fit you to be slapped. Don't you ever say that in front of me!"Liam said to the girl.

"Liam, that's enough.. just get in"-Cedrick said to him.

Suddenly Liam grabs the hair of the girl.

"Ouch!"The girl shouted.

"You better shut your fucking mouth!" -Liam whispered at her.

"Let's go now." Olivia said to them.

They get inside and cedrick drove away, Olivia and Liam are talking about what happened earlier.

"She's getting on my nerves"Liam said.

"What a crazy bitch, she's not as pretty as me."-Olivia said to Liam. "But I'm prettier than you." Liam replied to her.

"Are you kidding me?" Cedrick said and he giggled.

"What are they giggling at? We will talk after we accompany them. " -Liam said to him.

"wopsy... better manage your wife, Cedrick," Olivia said to Cedrick.

"Well." Cedrick replied to her.

Cedrick didn't know where the house of Kian and Lucas was, so they decided to book a room in a hotel for them. While Olivia went back to her house,

"Tommorow, tell Kiana and Lucas that their cars are still in the club."-Cedrick said to Olivia.

"Okay..I will tell them..goodnight! .. Thank you for picking us!" Olivia replied to him.

Olivia went inside and closed the door gently and slowly, she doesn't want her mother heard it.

"They are such a pain"—Cedrick said.

"You are such a pain too. Let's go back to your condo..we will talk about what happened earlier." --Liam said to him.

"Liamm, don't be like that! I'm getting scared of you now."Cedrick said to him.

"Don't talk to me, I'm still upset with you." Liam replied to him.

"You said we would talk later." -Cedrick replied to him.

"Shut up!.. just get inside. It's very late now and it's cold." -Liam said to him. And they drove away into to the condo.

They arrived and the sitting on the bed.

"Who is she?"Liam asked him.

"She's my ex, but it's been a long year since we broke up.. She's the girl who fooled me. She took all of my money.. she made me insane before." -Cedrick said to him.

"She's crazy... literally a crazy bitch." Liam replied to him.

"Can we sleep now? .. it's 4 a.m. and I'm still sleepy because of those bastards." -Cedrick said to him.

"Yeah, let's go back to sleep," Liam replied to him.

Liam covering him with a blanket so they couldn't catch the cold and hugged Liam tightly.

Cedrick touching his legs under the blanket.

"Hey!..what are you doing?"Liam said to him madly.

Cedrick is still touching his legs gently and slowly under the blanket.

"Hey!..cedrick! it's tickling me!" -Liam said to him as he giggled.

"Lower your voice.. Mika might hear you"-Cedrick replied to him.

"So, what are you up to?" Liam asked him.

"Can we do it now?"-Cedrick replied to him.

"The what?"Liam replied to him.


