
Chapter 5: A Leader and a Dangerous Encounter.

A few hours earlier with team white.

"So now that we have our servants, who is going to be the leader of our team?" Thomas asked, although most of his friends in the room were still in some form of shock once everything had settled in.

"I just can't believe that it's real." Laura said while leaning back and staring at the ceiling.

"For once I agree with you." Arron said. Laura and Arron don't usually get along as they did things very differently but this was one of the rare occasions where they did agree.

"This…" Jayden started and went quiet while the rest looked at him worriedly, he started shaking and Yuko was going to move over to him when he pushed his fists in the air with a big smile on his face. "This is so cool! Can you believe it?! Yeah it's weird that magic is real" Thomas muttered a quick 'magecraft' as Jayden continued. "But if we win this thing we get any wish that we want! Do you know what that means? We could live lives of luxury! No need to worry about not having enough money, or not having enough food for the family, it would be great!" He lay down on his back, arms above his head, eyes closed and a smile on his face.

The rest of them knew that money would be a waste of wish, but Jayden always thought about simple things. If he thought something was cool, it was. If it was bad, it was.

Yuko and Mari also knew that his family struggled with money, and he worried about it constantly, but he could never manage to get a job and his mother wouldn't let him get one anyways. So it would make sense why money would be at the top of the list of wishes, he cared about his family and friends above all else.

"It's a simple wish but I guess, whatever makes you happy." Evelyn said.

Jayden nodded his head before he sat up and spoke again. "Oh, did you guys notice we can check the stats of servants."

Everyone looked at him confused, they could do that?

"How can you do it?" Mari asked, she wanted to know how strong her robot servant was. Although he said his species was an exo.

"Hmm, I just stared hard at my servant. Although now that I think about it, it's weird to call them servants. But assassin said it would be a bad idea to reveal their true names… something about it being a weakness." Jayden informed them. His servant also went out saying he was going to explore where he was.

"I'll try that later." Yuko said, thankful for the information. She doubted saber would be willing to reveal anything to her.

"Stop! We're getting off topic. Who is going to be the leader?" Thomas shouted. How did they get distracted so easily?

"It'll be me and lancer, of course." Arron said while pointing a thumb at himself.

"No. It'll be archer of course. He is a robot, or an exo, he'll probably be really smart. He is a robot after all." Mari argued.

"Well, I don't want to be a leader and I don't think it's a good idea for a berserker to be a leader." Evelyn said, stepping down from the position.

"I don't saber would be a good leader. He seems more like a tyrant." Yuko informed them, also stepping down from the position with that sentence.

Laura let out a sigh. "As much as I want to be the leader, rider doesn't seem to have much social skills. So I'll step down."

"Caster would be the best option. He lead a country from what he told me, and he knows a lot about magecraft." Thomas said, promoting his servant to be the leader.

"Hmm, I think assassin would be a good choice." Everyone looked at Jayden like he grew two heads. "Apparently no other class fit him so assassin was the only option, but from what I saw from his stats he lead thousands into battle and won."

"No." Everyone said immediately. It didn't matter if he was an assassin it was just because they mostly wanted their servants to be the leader. And they knew Jayden didn't really mind, he was just pointing stuff out.

"Fine." Jayden groaned.

"If you don't mind me interrupting, master, but I don't believe I would be a good leader." A voice spoke causing the group of teenagers to jump and turn around to look at the source of the voice. It was caster, now in normal clothes although still high class. "I was more of a political leader, I've never had to lead an army before."

"If you don't want to be the leader I won't force you, caster." Thomas said. Although upset that he wouldn't be the leader he still accepted it.

"Thank you. Although from the talking of our group, I believe lancer would be a good leader to us. He commanded a group of hundreds, so he would be a good leader. If he is willing of course." Caster said his opinion before leaving the room.

It was silent before Arron broke the silence. "Ha! Told you lancer would be a good leader."

"Yeah, you were right." Thomas admitted defeat. He couldn't believe it. He lost to arron, the muscle head of the group.

"Then let's go and tell them our decision." Jayden said, already walking out the door. He was still excited about all this, his thoughts going at a million miles an hour, his body moving faster than normal. The group knew that when he got like this it would take him a while to calm down, and that he would be exhausted after he did wanting just to stay inside and do nothing all day.

The rest followed him out as well into the back yard. They had to set up a temporary base outside because of the ridiculous height of lancer. When they saw his full height they wondered how he even fit in the house in the first place.

They were sitting around a campfire with some fold up seats while Lancer sat down on a tree that had fallen down a while ago but Thomas's parents couldn't find someone to get rid of it. The servants were there talking, while the saber looked a little uncomfortable from the fire. And assassin wasn't there as he was out exploring.

"We've decided lancer should be the leader if he accepts." Thomas said as he sat down beside his servant who was writing notes down into a book.

"What do you say, lancer?" Arron asked.

"I don't mind. It would be a great honour to lead these people into battle." Lancer said proudly.

"Well that's good. I can't stand being a leader and not doing anything. The last time I had a proper fight, I lost. But that's only because I wasn't allowed to leave the tower, I just lost my touch is all." Archer complained, but also tried to make himself not look weak by saying he was out of practice.

And Mari knew he wasn't weak, she had tried to look at his stats and it worked. She saw them. And he definitely wasn't weak, at least in her opinion. The lowest his stats went was rank C and the highest it went was rank A. Which was really good in her opinion.

"Yeah sure. You keep telling yourself that." Saber said. He didn't mean it in a rude way, although he kinda did, it was just his demon side of him telling him to show his superiority. "Come on, master. I want to fight some enemy servants." He said as he grabbed Yuko and dragged her away.

"Wait. We can't fight yet, it's only the first day. Let's wait until we're properly ready." Yuko said. She didn't want to fight first, what if she somehow messed up and the rest were disappointed in her.

"We are set up properly, delaying it any longer will make the enemy think of us as weak. And we're not weak. Let's go." With that said saber pulled out his wings and grabbed Yuko who held onto him for dear life once she felt them in the air.

They flew until they landed outside of Dublin City, as Yuko and the rest of her friends lived in a town outside of Dublin but close enough to go there when they needed or wanted to.

Once she and Saber landed on the ground, Saber disappeared in thin air and Yuko got down on her hands and knees, almost kissing the ground. Thankful to be on solid ground again.

"You'll get used to it. Just walk through the city and we will eventually find a master and servant, maybe just one of them. Or maybe we'll find a creep who I can kill, depends." Saber said in her head.

Yuko looked around for him but didn't see him anywhere. "How are you doing that?"

"Telepathy. And all servants can basically become invisible like I can. It's not like I can walk around looking like I do." Saber explained, a little annoyed. He wished he had gotten a master who knew about proper magic.

"Ok. So I just have to walk around?" Yuko questioned as she finally stood up and walked into Dublin. And saber confirmed her question.

Yuko walked around for a while, texting in the group chat as they had asked if she was okay. She said she was, she was just walking around.

"Hey, you." An arrogant voice said to Yuko as she looked up from her phone. When she looked up she saw someone who had clearly dyed their hair blonde who had a smirk on his face as he looked at her. If she had to guess, he looked like some king of play boy who would fuck anyone he could. Although she hoped she was wrong as she didn't want to deal with that.

"Yeah? Is there something you need?" Yuko asked politely.

The man flicked his hair back as he ran his hand through it. "Come with me. And I'll show you a good time."

Ah! Yuko wanted to die from second hand embarrassment. How did these kinds of people even exist? Absolute confidence in getting anything they want and then throw a fit when they can't get it.

"No. I'm underage, please leave me alone." Yuko said as she turned away. But a hand grabbed her shoulder forcing her to turn towards the blonde haired man.

"You'll come with me. And let me do what I want." He said in a demanding tone of voice, his eyes glowing a little.

"Yes." Yuko responded immediately. She didn't know what was going on, everything was fuzzy and she couldn't control her body. It was like she was a passenger in her own body. It scared her.

"Let me kiss you." The blonde demanded, already moving forward. Yuko wanted to scream, shout, push him away from her, kick him, hit him… but she couldn't do anything.

At least that was the case until saber materialised and pushed the blonde away and pushed Yuko behind him. "I leave you for one second and you find trouble already."

Yuko was still in a daze but she was grateful to saber, she knew that if he wasn't here she would definitely be scared for life. Although she also knew that if he didn't want to come here she wouldn't have ended up like this isn't he first place.

He put his cold hand on her head and pumped mana into her. It would forcibly remove whatever effects the bastard in front of them put on her.

She instantly felt her head clear up and she was in control of her body again. "Thank you, saber." That's the first thing she said. She knew thank you probably wasn't enough but it was all she could think of.

"Another master?!" The blonde said angrily. "Screw that! Move, enemy saber. And I'll let you have fun with your master after I'm done." He bargained.

Saber just looked at him in disgust. Even though he was a demon, hell he was even a demon king in the future, and he was pretty much the embodiment of all evil, to humans that is, he was still disgusted by rapists. "As tempting as that is seeing as I'm a demon, I'll have to refuse. It seems my master has her eyes on someone else."

The blonde looked hopeful at the start but now he just looked pissed. He gritted his teeth in frustration as he pointed at them. "Kill the servant and bring me the girl alive! Berserker!"

With that a monster materialised Charing at saber and Yuko. Holding two giant axes, with long with hair and horns on his head. He let out a beastly roar and charged at them with madness clear in his eyes.

Saber pulled out his great sword and clashed with axes coming down on him. They clashed and saber got pushed back a bit.

Osiris, the demon saber, smirked with a battle hungry look in his eyes. "This is going to be fun."


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