
Chapter 87

With the wedding done and out of the way, the pack went into relaxation mode, with nothing planned the pack spent the two weeks after the wedding doing their own thing outside the house and only came back after two weeks to give Rosalie and Damon some alone time.

As they returned nothing changed the only thing they did was relax as they all knew this was the calm before the storm, soon they would be up against the oldest vampire in existence and his followers.

And as the days passed that day was becoming clearer, as Damon had told them some news when they returned to the house.

The news was simple, but it contained a lot of information that would affect the plans of the pack, this was also why they hadn't gone after the original vampire yet.

The news Damon had given them was this " The baby had stopped absorbing his aura, and the rate at which Rosalie was absorbing his aura had increased by a great deal."

The news shocked them all, if the speed at which Rosalie was absorbing aura had increased, they had no way of knowing when her transformation would be done, Damon had thought since the baby was absorbing more than Rosalie she wouldn't be finished with her transformation before the baby was born, and since they didn't want to wait for the baby to be born before dealing with the original vampire they would deal with it after Damon and Rosalie's honeymoon.

But obviously, things have changed, no one dared to leave the house now, or let any visitors near the house, this was the most crucial time as Rosalie's transformation would be felt by all vampires in the world.

( currently at the house)

The mood in the house was completely serious as everyone except Damon and Rosalie were gathered in the living room.

" Damon said the speed has slowed down this morning but that isn't something to be happy about, he said either today or tomorrow Rosalie won't be able to absorb any more of his aura, so her transformation will be done during that time." says Max.

" Everyone knows what that means, it will take a few days after the transformation, but vampires will storm this place, our job is simple that is to kill all who dared come." says Kane.

" Even if we are stronger than those first-generation vampires, we are still outnumbered greatly, we won't come out of this completely uninjured." says Ocean

" You guys don't need to worry too much, as long as Damon is in good enough condition when they arrive this will be nothing more than a training exercise, and even if he isn't I'llcarry most of the load just deal with those that get past me." says Max.

" There is no need for that, we are all family we will fight together, and as Max said once our leader is alright this will be alright." says Crystal.

" What about Bella, ahead wasn't turned by Damon, so she is far weaker than us, not only her but Alice and Jasper as well." says Joey clearly worried about his mate.

" Alice and Jasper won't be taking part in this fight, having them there and still having to protect them will only put us in danger, as for Bella....."

" As for Bella, I'll bite her." says Damon interrupting Max as he appears coming down the stairs with Rosalie.

As they appeared the pack's eyes focused on Rosalie as their hair stood on end, and they immediately wanted to take a step back, all except Max.

Max instead walked up to Rosalie and rubbed his head on her.

This little action seemed to calm everyone as Rosalie smiled and Rubbed Max's head.

" I'm glad you're still the same Max." says Rosalie.

" It's impossible for them not to feel it the first time they see you like this, I'm sure it won't happen again." says Max.

" He's right, right now you can't really feel it but your leaking small amounts of aura, seeing that you're ever so close to being an original vampire it's not weird for them to be on guard especially seeing that they are werewolves." says Damon.

" You are right love, it seems they are already over it." says Rosalie while looking at the rest pack member that has relaxed.

"It seems we have another problem." says Damon looking at Alice and Jasper.

Rosalie and Max followed his eyes and saw, Alice and Jasper, looking at her with what seemed to be submission.

" What am supposed to do with them watching me like that? asked Rosalie.

" Best we return upstairs until your transformation is finished and you can control your aura and newfound strength." says Damon.

" Joey bring Bella to the backyard later, she is too weak to participate in what's to come so I'll fix that." Says Damon as he and Rosalie return upstairs.

Even though her transformation was almost finished Rosalie didn't look any different on the outside, but on the inside, it was a different matter completely.

All her organs were working hundreds if not thousands of times stronger than that of a normal human, and they worked much faster and more efficiently than humans.

Currently, Rosalie couldn't be mistaken for a vampire at all, if anything she was like a very advanced superhuman that needed to drink human blood, she was completely alive and even harder to kill than before.

" If she's that powerful now, how strong will she be after her transformation is finished?" asked Ocean.

" I haven't felt my instincts react in such a way since I was turned by Damon." says Kane.

" Max why didn't you react the same as us?" asked Joey.

" As the first turned and the one Damon intended to be the strongest and closest to him in strength even though my instincts warned me, I wasn't to point that I felt I needed to run, make no mistake she is currently stronger than I am, but she still isn't anywhere near what I have felt from Damon." says Max

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