
A Delicate Balance... Broken

When the four were settled in, Queen Martha brought refreshments to the table, frowning when no one touched them.

'What a waste!' the woman sighed but didn't complain.

"You're Madeline's grandmother, aren't you? You don't look old enough to have a granddaughter," the king sighed.

"Yes, I am her grandmother. I only look younger because I was exposed to a lot of divine energy. Either that or it was the Moon Goddess's intention to grant me the strength to make it this far," the woman shrugged, at a loss for an explanation herself.

"Well then, Madeline is out with her friends right now. If you want to meet her, I can have…"

"Our reunion will have to wait a bit longer. There is something more important I need to tell you," the woman cut him off, "I know Mady. She's resilient, just like I am… perhaps even more so. But at the moment, what I have to tell you can't wait," the woman announced with an edge in her voice.
