
Chapter Two Hundred Eleven

Lina got off the car with Honour once everyone was in the car, putting the teacher's instructions to the back of her mind. "Well, when are we meeting to go and search for the moon lotus flowers," a voice they'd completely forgotten about spoke up from behind them.

"I forgot you were serious about following us tonight. Well, we shall go an hour after the sun has set… That puts the time for the bonfire one hour away, so that's all the time we shall have to find the flowers. I just hope they are not too far from the hotel," Lina said to herself.

"Why don't you ask one of the guides whether she could help you find them?" Katie's voice broke through to all their mind links, including that of the beta alpha that had been keeping his presence hidden from all of them. He merely wanted to hear their discussions. The moon lotus wasn't exactly something he found that interesting and so watching them was his next best option.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
