
Godly Weapon.

''That's pretty much it,'' Jack said.

His story took in total 10 hours to tell, and Hades didn't seem bored even slightest.

''So, Ariane was the one who kept you from insanity?'' Hades asked one more time.

Jack nodded, ''She was... Very persistent, to say the least.''

Hades turned his head and looked at the painting on the wall.

It was the picture of Persephone.

''I don't have anyone to pull me away from the darkness if Persephone dies. I have no one else.'' Hades said; he sighed.

''Why are you sure that she dies?'' Jack asked curiously.

''Persephone is a stubborn woman— that's what I love about her. If we don't make it in time, and Zeus is about to dirty her, she will kill herself.''

''I thought Gods can't die?''

''Everyone can die. Even Apollo if you knew how.'' Hades said mysteriously.


He snapped his fingers, and a black spear-like item appeared on his hand.
