
My first

The next day Cameron called me to inform me of amazing news to wake up to.

the news that his mother waited for us to have dinner together that evening and that they already prepared everything for us.

I could perceive the huge smile on his lips, "I can't wait." He whispered in a tone of voice full of joy, "you're my first in lots of things Lily but nothing compares to introducing you, my mom." He took a deep lighthearted breath.

"I can't wait," I replied.

I immediately walked to the closet to start searching for a dress to wear. 

"Me either. I hope things go well."

I heard him say as I dug my hand in the closet and began removing clothes and unfolding them on the bed to see them better and eventually value what to choose.

"I will pick you up at 7 pm." He said before hanging off.
