

"What the hell is this?" I muttered, taking a step closer to the strange projection. 

'If my guess is correct, that guy's corpse is still out there; the mist just moved to animate the stuff that actually keeps on moving,' I thought, trying my utmost to rationalize what I was seeing. 

Yet, despite all my worries, the holomessage didn't cease to work. Instead, the strange beast that it represented kept on going forward, allowing the mist to put its entire frame into the message. 

"Oh my god," I muttered when I finally realized what I was looking at. 

It was a mix of all the most hideous creatures that the human movies even put on a screen. 

"Arty?" Mia approached my side, uttering my name as she wrapped herself around my arm. 

Sensing her body tensing up, I could tell that she was preparing for a fight. 

"Calm down," I said softly, using my right hand to pat Mia's waist. "It's only a projection. It's not like it can hurt..."
