

"I'm sorry, elder, but I don't think my answer will satisfy you."

Mia's answer managed to take everyone by surprise, sponsored disciples to her left, her own team to the right, and the Elder to the front included. 

"And what if I insist?" the Elder asked after taking a moment to process the girl's reply. 

Yet, contrary to the snickers that Kathia and Dirk instantly uttered, he didn't look at Mia with anger, pity or annoyance. 

Rather than that, the Elder's eyes were filled with curiosity. 

Mia didn't answer his question, though. 

'Should I tell him?' she asked herself, not sure how she was supposed to react right now. 

In theory, this was the perfect opportunity that Andrea and Ackhart would kill her for not using. Yet, on the other hand, making use of this chance was insanely risky.

'Is he with Sangakarts? Or is he just curious?' Mia attempted to figure out the solution to this seemingly simple dilemma.
