
Jenne's visitors

Jenne's mansion was restored to its usual glory on the same day when his rampage occurred. As such, a week after that day, one couldn't find a single hint of destruction, a single giveaway of what happened. 

In its most special place, in the study to where only Jenne and his butler had access, a group of people sat. 

Outside of the two hosts, there were three other people, all donning the luxurious clothes, only pretending to imitate the colors of the Skyladder robes.

"There is one guy I will need your help to deal with," Jenne said as he slammed down a cup with the medicinal brew. The drops that spilled directly on the floor could make any of the Skyladder sect disciples go crazy. 

But Jenne's friends didn't even bat an eye to this nonchalant show of wealth and Jenne's disregard for it. 
