
Unhappy Reunion, "Are you really my Son?" (2)

**Two Long Chapters today,  I wanted to do a lil something extra today since y'all have been so supportive, so here's one of the two 1500-word chapters.**


"Funny enough, Gabby isn't even worried about you…which I find slightly strange." Tilting his head to the side, Cynrik teased the strange occurrence.

Generally, Gabby was the first to overreact when anything happened to Brance; however, as he looked up and observed her body language, she seemed totally relaxed, as if Brance had gone to the grocery store and not into a potential life-or-death battle. 

"Hm, oh, that's easy; she knows I am not in danger since Jessup already explained it takes prolonged exposure to Divine Particles before turning into a Corrupted Divine." Pausing to contemplate his response for a second, Brance followed Cynrik's gaze up to reality and smiled faintly at how well Gabby was taking things. 
