
Introductions and Contracts

'All on you now, Governor…' Cynrik said unhurriedly as he cleared his throat and stepped forward to introduce himself. 

{{ Brance, heads up, start making your way over to us; shit is about to pop off. Multiple hostiles are hiding at 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10 o'clock. The Governor has alerted me to their existence, and if I hadn't burned an excessive amount of Mana, I wouldn't have been able to find them in the first place.}}

{{It's those fucking ghouls again, only this time they brought the big guns. Keep on your toes, and when I signal, we are fucking out of here. Have Gabby teather to Garrison and Geralt to inform them. Odds are there is about to be a big ass battle here.}}

Standing in place and watching as the people talking to Governor Samieer stepped aside and shot weird looks at him, Cynrik took a split second to inform his brother of what had transpired in less than a second. 
