
Round One (5)

{{Gasp, how dare you call me uncultured? I'll have you know, when it comes to culture; I am of the highest class of weeb.}} Placing his hand on his chest and appearing overly offended, Cynrik even went so far as to gather up some fake tears.

{{Stupid ass, you know damn well there is a difference of habitat and physiology between Yetis and Gigantopithecus. What you just said is no different than claiming the Sky isn't blue or blood dark red!}} Brance argued back. Unfortunately, Cynrik had the perfect comeback.

{{Tsk tsk, little brother, do you realize how foolish you sound right now? The Sky is Clear, and only once oxygenated does blood change from a bright red to dark red.}}

{{Pppfftt, hehe hahahahahha!}} Cynrik's comments broke Selene as she watched Brance blushing in embarrassment due to how quick Cynrik was with his rebuttal. 
