
Nátt Hrafn Final

"I need both of you not to fight back ok, this may sting a little bit, but if you both accept what I am about to do, you will get stronger than you could ever imagine." His words were more so for himself, as the only responses he got from the chicks were head tilts and eyes full of confusion as they watched the drops of blood coming off his fingers with shimmering eyes. 

'Tobs, I want to confirm they can handle the contract before moving forward.' Hesitating slightly when he saw how excitedly both chicks were staring at him, Cynrik posed the question to his AI.

  -Generally, when a Tamer contracts a pet, the creature needs to be a maximum of one Tier lower than the Tamer; however, due to the strength and Tier of the Two Fledgling Nátt Hrafn, there should be no issues with imprinting the contract on their body and souls.-

  -But be aware that both you and the fledglings will receive some discomfort as the contract binds your souls together.-
