
Team CGB Part 6

"ANNNK ANNK" The newly one-eyed dino yelped as it bent forward and tried digging the foreign object from its face. When it couldn't, It looked up and found the rest of its small pack rushing toward a little being with a metal object in her hand. Sensing that this was who hurt it and forced it to lose its right eye, the RaptorBasilisk grew enraged and took off after its companions. 

Staring down the pack of four creatures, Gabby was unflinching. Raising her Crossbow and stepping to the left, she unleashed a flurry of bolts and disks, each targeting a pivotal movement joint of the four creatures.

Unlike before, where Gabby's goal was to cripple her opponents, giving her some time to breathe, she was now more focused on slowing them down. 
