
Sub-Classes and The Task Ahead

Not wanting to waste any more time than necessary, Cynrik went around collecting everyone and herding them into the living room for another meeting; this time, he wasn't so casual, as things had changed slightly.

Once everyone was sitting in their regular positions, Cynrik took up his spot on the opposite side of them and crossed his arms.

"Alright, you guys have had most of the day, and everyone has chosen their Primary Class, let me start with Benny and Selene; you two will have a hard grind ahead of you if you want to get used to all of your new skills. I want both of you to sit down and figure out how different your fighting ability is with them added to the mix. The biggest takeaway is resource management. With their dual costs, If you aren't careful, you will quickly burn through all of your MP and STAM, turning into sitting ducks out there."

Selene and Benny nodded sharply, indicating they understood.
