
Mr. Valentino, Song Yu Han's Friend (2)

A while later, the group drove in their expensive car and in no time arrived at the Chinese restaurant Song Yu Han reserved for them. The valet quickly approached their car and took over it so he could park it in a nice parking spot. On the other hand, the manager of the restaurant came out, flashing a toothpaste commercial-worthy smile to the VIP guest that would take shelter in their restaurant.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Valentino," the manager who was named Qian Wencheng did not dare hold out his hand for a handshake. 

Fabio flashed a bright smile to the manager and stretched out his hand for a handshake, much to the manager's shock. 

Qian Wencheng shakily took the outstretched hand, and lightly shook hands with the hand covered with rings that probably worth more than his annual salary. 
