

Freya calmed herself down. She needed to know more about this school before she applied to it.

What if it was a Magical School? The name sounded a bit magical to her.

But how would she find out more about it?

Freya thought hard and then realised what she could do. She could search the internet.

The internet was something that only people with money could use. For people from Freya's demographic, it was nearly impossible to have access to it.

But Freya knew of a way to access the internet in their alley.

Her heart set, Freya almost walked out the door.

The thin door crashed into the wall from the push of the heavy wind and nearly came off its hinge.

Freya started and backed away.

Lightning crackled and thunder rumbled.

The sound echoed so much, Freya feared she was going to be struck down.

She looked at the Application paper in her hand and then out the door again.

Lightning crackled through the sky.

Freya shook her head. She should read the information given in the Application first. It would have more concrete information than the internet.

She suspected was more expensive than all the things in her shack put together.

The print on it was in elegant cursives.

Everything screamed money.

Her heart sank just by that. A school that could use that kind of paper would never hire a Normal Human.

The image of a frail woman with light purple hair came to her mind. Her boney fingers and a soft smile that tried to hide the pain and discomfort that her illness caused made Freya tear up.

Freya shook her head. She couldn't discourage herself that easily.

Her mother and her brother depended on her.

She should at least try it. If she didn't get it then she could say to herself that she tried.

She read through the letter, which was mostly a blank page. Behind it was the information that she was looking for.

[St Vlad's Academy for the Gifted is a place that strives to be the best in the entire continent or soon the world!

Our motto is "Passion Par Excellence!"

We are cordially inviting those who have passed the 12th Order to attend our Teachers Meet on 28th Monorios, 1197

10: 30 AM

at: Fresia Tower, 14th Floor.]

Freya sighed. There wasn't anything about the school in it at all.

There wasn't any special requirement to attend the meeting either, only having to pass the 12th Order. There was not even a minimum passing per cent given in it.

Freya pursed her lips.

Her own score in the 12th order was 79% which was high for a normal human. Her excitement to learn magic even though she didn't have any meant that she mostly read the magical theories and Tantric constructions more than her regular subjects, which lead to her low score in Literature and Language comprehension.

It was the reason why she, unlike many of her classmates, was still struggling to find a job. Because her best scores are in magical subjects it made her not ideal for Normal Human jobs.

Because she was a Normal Human she was not allowed into Magical Institutions in general.

She felt a bit depressed. Did this Vlad Academy want someone with her scores and race?

Freya blinked as she realised something.

She ran towards the calendar that hung above her bed.

Today was 27th Monorios!

That meant that the meeting was tomorrow!

And she still didn't know much about the school or where Fresia Tower was!

Freya took the Military-Grade Raincoat from under her bed and ran out of the little shack.

The heavy drops of the rain hit against her, and even through the raincoat, she could feel the force of its speed.

She ran across the busy road towards a run-down grey single storied building.

Shacks and huts occupied most of the alley. The broken building in front of her was the King's Palace to a Merchant's house. Luxurious, and occupied by those with money.

Freya was lucky enough to be on friendly terms with the boy in the building.

She walked up the steps, shivering from the cold. Water dripped from the hem of her coat.

She knocked on the door.

There was a sound of shuffling from inside.

The door was wrenched open.

The person who stood at the other end was a young man of Sixteen with snow-white hair and tanned skin.

His baby-blue eyes widened. "Freya?"

"Ceron!" Freya called. "I need your help!"

A pudgy woman came up from behind Ceron.

"Freya? Is that you?" the woman asked with a strained smile. "How is your mother now?"

Freya smiled. She knew the underlying question the woman actually wanted to ask. Do you want money? Is that why you are here?

"Can I use your internet?"

Ceron looked at her in confusion. "Sure?"

"So that's why you are here in this rain!" the woman said. Her continence relaxed. "Come inside and remove the coat, dear!"

Freya got in.

The room was warm and cosy, making her skin pink.

She hadn't realised how cold she was until then.

"Would like hot water?" Ceron asked.

"Yes! I should get you some!" the woman said but she barely moved.

Freya knew what she wanted her to say.

"It's fine, Aunt Mary. I'm just here for the internet. I'll leave soon!"

Mary gave her an excited smile. "Nonsense! You should stay until the rain calms down!"

Freya smiled. "It's okay."

Mary nodded in satisfaction. "Right! Little Fenris is home!"

Freya watched Ceron bring a black metal slab towards them and place it on the tree trunk that was used as a table.

He touched the flat surface of the slab and closed his eyes. A Mystic circle faded into the slab under his palm and symbols appeared on the surface.

A small hole opened on the side.

Ceron attached a black wire to the slab through it.

Everyone watched in awe as the slab flashed with a white light briefly and a holographic screen lit up.

"Actually, he is staying with mom in the ward," Freya said. "They only allow one person so I came back.

She turned to Ceron. "Which wire do you use?"

Ceron blinked. "Huh?"

"The wire for your Net Slab," Freya said patiently. "That symbol at the end was a pronged triangle, right? I've heard the Slabs with those symbols have a two-year life span."

"Does it?" Ceron asked in awe. "The marketer said it had only a few months life span though? He said I would have to buy a new one!"

Freya hummed. "He might be talking about your wire."

"My wire?"

Freya nodded her head. "It looks to be a G grade?"


Freya frowned. "I'm sure it's a G grade though. The only reason a Slab with pronged Triangles would flash such a harsh light before it started to work is if the wire was G graded."

Ceron looked at her in wonder. "Freya knows so much about magic! It's no wonder you had 79% in 12th Order!"

Aunt Mary scoffed from behind them.

Ceron glared at the woman.

"What is the use of having such knowledge? Can she actually do something with it?" Aunt Mary asked. "It's obvious that she should have focused on her regular subjects more!"

"Mom!" Ceron scolded.

"Actually, Aunt Mary," Freya said, making sure to keep her face neutral. "I think I'll have that hot water after all!"

The woman huffed and went away into the kitchen.

"Come on then!" Ceron said, grabbing her hand and dragging her to the wooden chair. "Use it quickly."

"Thanks for this kiddo!" she said as she sat in front of the Slab.

Ceron's smile strained. "You can thank me by not calling me a kiddo anymore."

Freya chuckled. "How can that be! You will always be a kid to me!"

Ceron looked heartbroken. He slumped.

"I'll go see what mom is doing," he said in a dull voice.

Freya waved at him, her eyes locked on the circling dragon on the Slab.

The hologram changed into a list of names.

Freya selected "Schools Hiring Substitute Teachers on 8th Monorios".

This and the next chapter are for world-building and setting up Freya's life even more! Also a brief look into the Meeting!

Please tell me how this chapter was through comments and vote for the story if you find it intriguing!

Anji_Kingcreators' thoughts