
Magical Stones

Inside the First Division palace, the course rooms were on the left, the Treasure Hall, Trade Hall, and Weapons Hall were on the right. In the center were the Medicine Hall and Building of Knowledge.

The Treasure Hall, where Princess Qamari and the new apprentices were headed was in the center of the Trade and Weapons Hall.

"Come and see, magical beasts warding magnet! Only 5 magical stones!"

"Magical potion for Invisibility, only 15 magical stones, willing to exchange it for magical shield potion!" 

"Thunder magical spell amulet, only 85 magical stones! Can exchange it for Fire magical amulet!"

"Life Saving Healing potion, only 105 magical stones! Direct sell only!"

"Fragrant Sachet for bugs and insects warding, only 3 magical stones!"

As they passed by the Trade Hall building, shouts and hollers of magical item prices rang out, drawing their curiosity.
