

Detecting the sudden change in the atmosphere, Crown Prince Lail ran towards Princess Qamari in alarm, shouting as he moved.

"Princess Qamari, move away from there!" He shouted as he stretched out his hand to pull her over, but before he could touch Princess Qamari, now his Crown Princess Consort and wife, she got enveloped in a brilliant white light, her eyes wide with shock and fear, and disappeared right before his very eyes.

"Crown Princess!" Crown Prince Lail screamed, his hand passing through the spot where her body should have been. Thinking he made a mistake in judging her position, he turned and looked all around him, searching for her purple-red clad figure. But she was nowhere. Disappeared and vanished.

Vanished into thin air.

Falling powerlessly to his knees, Crown Prince Lail stared into space, his gaze unfocused, the scene of the Crown Princess Consort wrapped in light replaying in his mind.
