
Jean to take Arianna to the caves of Ariandelle!

" Ariandelle ? Where is Ariandelle ? " Prince Liam asked back immediately. 

" It is not important ! ( prince Lucas answered with a straight face, returning to what he was doing. A took something that looked like a cotton wool and dipped it into something that looked like a bottle of spirit, and began to clean the surface of prince Liam's wounds again. ) "

" Be gentle please ! " Prince Liam said with a painful groan.

Prince Lucas said no word, he just continued. Prince Liam had actually sustained a lot of injuries, he narrowly escaped death. He felt pains in his mouth and nose areas, those where the places he got punched more from prince Lucas. 

After a long while. Lucas stopped and stood up. He went out of the cave.

" Make sure you do not go any where ( Lucas instructed as he was leaving ) I will not be responsible if anything happens to you, or goes wrong ! " Lucas instructed.
