
Make Love to me, begs Arianna!

Iris heaved an heavy sigh and began speaking " please promise me that you'd allow my mother and brother go free after I tell you all I know? ( Iris asked her looking into her eyes ) purnish me all you want thereafter, but do not allow them suffer for what they do not know about; please " Iris pleaded like an hungry child.

" You can trust me " Arainna assured her. Iris was silent for a while, then she began

" I had prepared princess Brianna that morning. She said she wanted to throw a surprise visit to prince Liam, she was feeling very energetic that morning. However Ferdinand had also came that morning after she was dressed, but hadn't left. He had given me a phone that he alone used in contacting me. I went to meet him at the spot we usually met. He told me that he was on a mission to kidnap the princess, because one of the king's sons desires the throne, and that if prince Liam is not able to marry, his coronation would take longer, and that he hoped to kill both prince Laim and king Lawrence before prince Liam would get another wife, as the family had rejected the one he loved actually. And thus he'd be king of St Lucia " Iris said and fell silent again

Arainna buried her head in tears. " That must be Melissa ? "She asked Iris raising her head.

" He never mentioned her name my princess " Iris said guilt stricken.

" He forced me to give him the exact information about every where that the princess was going to that very day. I refused seriously, but he came again with the serious threat of killing my precious mother and brother. I yeilded once again. I fed his hungry ears with every information that he needed. And that was how they followed princess Brianna and got her kidnapped. " Iris confessed and began crying again.

Arainna was still profusely crying " that explains it all, it meant that Liam didn't even know that Brianna was coming to see him, and I suspected him at some point for killing Brianna ( Arainna said to her self, as more tears flowed from her eyes ) Is... Is Brianna de.. dead ? "Arianna asked stammering

" I didn't also get the privilege of knowing that much, anytime I asked him about her, he'd only ask me to mind my business. If I persisted, he'd end up making love to me forcefully, he said that was going to be my punishment anytime I stressed him. I was a virgin before I met Ferdinand, but he ravaged my virginity " Iris said letting out a devastating cry.

Arianna looked at her for a long time with contempt. She turned to look at Iris's mother as well. The woman had a lot to say all written on her look. She gestured to one of the men to loosen her mother's mouth. As soon as that was done, Iris's mother gave a loud and bitter cry! The woman heart was have been broken sore.

" How do I meet this Ferdinand? " Arainna asked.

" One of those men has mine phone, perhaps he could be called, and tricked to come. But he's quite an intelligent man, it'd take great strategy to make him come. As a matter of fact, I have never called him by mine self to come, it might get suspicious if he is called to come. " Iris explained logically. Arainna kept staring into the air, without looking at anything in particular, while her head ran topsy turvy.

" How about Emmaline, what happened to her? " Arainna asked her ignoring everything she had said about Ferdinand.

Iris began crying again. Then she gradually began

" Emmaline found about about me. I couldn't help it. I met with Ferdinand, while he pulled one of those his usual threat, I asked him to do his worst, because another person knew about our long secret. He forced me to tell him who it was, I refused to do so, I told him I would let him know, if only he tells me if princess Brianna was dead or not, as my conscience constantly pricked me for selling her out to wicked people. He obliged and asked me to meet him the next day. He said I could come with the person or not. I chose to go with Emmaline. I was bent on becoming a new and changed person. I just needed her to see for herself that I wasn't lieing to her. However, I guess Ferdinand was there already before we arrived, as she was killed by him, few minutes after I had left her where I asked her to hide herself. He murdered Emmaline in the woods of St lucia in cold blood. " Iris said with tears in her eyes, and full of shame.

Arainna looked down at Iris with disgust, as her mouth where left wide opened. Arainna allowed the accumulated tears in her eyes flow with ease " I knew it! Emmaline had wanted to see me, I knew she wanted to say alot if things to me. Oh poor Emmaline, your groaning soul needs vengeance and justice. I am really sorry I let you killed. You loved me so much, even when I wouldn't have ever retaliated your goodness " Arainna sobbed in pain.

" Iris you're a disappointment ! " Iris's mother said with a shaky voice amidst tears. Iris cried all the more.

Arainna stood to her feet. She gestured to one of the men to come. She said something into his ear and left...

Arianna traveled back to St Lucia. She needed to be back before anyone noticed she wasn't in the palace. She hadn't seen prince Liam, since after her incidence with him, she missed him. It was a very long ride, Arainna was short of words. She didn't know how to express the heaviness that her heart felt. She was restless all through the journey. Atlast she arrived St Lucia. She had changed into a princess apparel before entering into the carriage that was waiting for her.

She was glad there wasn't any important person to answer to, as only the maids and wardens of St Lucia flooded the whole palace vicinity. She walked into her room, hoping to just lay quietly on the bed, till she thinks herself to sleep, she was however very disappointed, as she met prince Liam sitting on the bed. It seemed like he had just taken his bath. He had a white towel tied around his waist. Arainna wasn't sure if he had on him any underwear. He had a killer body.

She walked towards him. He looked at her with a squint. He was indeed sorry for all he did. Arianna had made up her mind to forgive him, after aunt Rose had talked to her about him, and after finding out from Iris that his life was in serious danger, and that he knew nothing concerning Brainna's sudden disappearance. As Arainna walked, she began to crave his body, she didn't know what had happened, but she became wet just looking at his bare body. She sat gently beside him.

Prince Liam began " I am sorry my... " Arainna used her mouth to seal his lips. She kissed him passionately. Prince Liam didn't understand what was happening, but he held Arianna passionately and began eating her up gently and passionately. He gently began to unzip Arainna's dress, and gradually removed the dress she was wearing, revealing her soft naked body, Arainna didn't resist. She was dripping wet. She gave a satisfying gentle moan. She pulled her lips away from him, then looked at him and said " make love to me, I am starving "
