

" Does it mean that braianna had met this lady before? Why didn't she say anything? " Arainna wondered to herself. " Oh my God Brianna! I seriously regret the fact that we really never got to bond, and it is my fault, but I promise to fix that as soon as I find you, we'd somehow find a way to get you free form this marriage, you can't be married to that cheat of a prince, you deserve someone better. " She thought again to herself.

" You're not gonna say anything to me huh? ( The lady in red continued. Arainna just sternly looked at her. ) Do you think the prince really loves you? " she asked Arainna with extreme irritiation.

" Oh you tell me ! " Arainna retorted.

The lady returned to the chair she was sitting with Arianna. She crossed her legs and placed one of her hands on Arainna's shoulders, of which Arainna didn't resist, and began to speak yet again. " Did he tell you, that a night to your wedding, we had the hottest sex ever? ( Arainna swallowed hard ) oh he didn't tell you ? ( She asked Arianna in the most ridiculous manner ) oh no! Of cause he wouldn't. " She said allowing Arainna to react the way she had expected.

There was a short silence. Arainna wasn't supposed to feel pained about what the lady had just said, but she couldn't lie to herself, she had really begin to build up feelings for the prince, his enchanting kisses had made her build up feelings for him, which she was really making effort to put an end to. Arianna didn't speak again.

" Do you remember the day he came back really late,? ( The lady began to speak again. She was obviously having her way with Arianna ) he must have told you he was at a meeting, that was true, but that wasn't all. He was in my Bossom, and guess what? ( She asked Arianna laughing out unnecessarily ) we had yet another sex, it was hot as ever. " Arainna suddenly got up and slapped her.

" You idiot! You must be a fool to think I am moved by all that you say, who do you think you are? You must be in some trance, if you think you're going to have your way with me. Look at me, ( she used her hands to turn the lady's face to her direction, who was still in utter shock. ) I know your type, I have met them before, and I know exactly how to deal with them. Stay away from me. " Arainna said wanting to walk away.

The lady stood up and began to clap her hands " well well, I see the little mouse has been fed a big fat cat . Brianna I will deal with you if you don't leave prince Liam alone. You still have the opportunity to save yourself. Run away to a far country, never show up again, ( Arianna scoffed, the lady just ignored and continued speaking ) and we would act as though nothing really happened. But if you wouldn't, then I will be back again, and I wouldn't be as nice as this ".

" I'm game lady, I am game. " Arainna said to her and walked away. As Arianna walked on, she began to think about all that the lady had said. " Prince Liam was actually with another woman that day ? And he came back wanting to have his way with me too ? I presumed This was the life Brianna would have been living? ( She spat with irritation ) I did not even get to know her name (she smacked her head lightly ). Oh my God today has been such a day! " she said walking even faster. This was the only chance that nature had to prove to Arainna that love was a beautiful thing, but once again, it only helped to strengthen her belief that love was just all about pretence and usery.

The lady in red back at the garden sat still, still in utter dismay. She kept wondering how Brianna was able to talk back at her. The first time she confronted brainna, Brianna cried all through and was fidgeting like a child. She was totally surprised. Arainna would never allow anyone intimidate her, she had a fierce spirit all along. While they were younger, she always fought her way out of getting intimidated, and would always fight to protect Brainna who was always very fearful. " You definitely won this time, but I will win next time, because I always win. "The lady in red said aloud into the air, and began Walking to the palace as well.

As Arainna got closer to the palace, she heard some voices indistinctly. As she got closer, she recognized them, it was prince Liam and uncle Francis. She hid behind the wall knowing that they hadn't seen her.

" c'mon uncle Francis you know that is not what I meant, but bringing Melissa with you wasn't a good idea at all. You know how she can get. It was far too a risky venture. I have to somehow make sure that she doesn't get any chance to speak with Brianna, that girl could be a psycho. " Prince Liam speaking. "

" I am sorry my boy, I tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen. Come on let's go. Leaving them both inside of that palace is not a nice idea. " They both walked away hurriedly.

Arainna came out of her hideout. It explains why uncle Francis had called prince Liam earlier, " so her name is Melissa? "
