
The unwanted Savior meets a hero wannabee

After completing Mutaito training. He was visited by the Wandering Witch. She informed him where the new hero was and so him.

It took a month of travel to reach the hero. The reason why is he could only use magic to reach the hero. So he used his portals to warp...he became better at using them. he learned 4 new techniques portal boosting which increases his speed by using portals and portal blast an ability which creates a powerful beam of energy. This is done by by overlapping two portals at once. Both are saint magic techiques. His final is he learned he was able to create his domain...he also became better at his sword magic...Mutaito told him once he learns footholds (to fly with magic) and learned his domain...he would be able to use his sword techniques...and this month..he learned his domain...

As he reached the island where the hero was he thought about the last fight with his master. He felt a frustrated that he couldn't fight a Mutaito alone and Mutaito was holding back too...in the fight Nico had turned the ice to a form of poison using alchemy. Tights was changing the gravity of Mutaito by using word magic and the others throwing Mutaito movements off balance. due to the poison Mutaito hadn't notice. As Nero was fighting he was making a prism sealing magic formation while Nico created chains. Tights wrapped the chains around Mutaito and changed the property gravity...anyway it was a group effort not individual...

Nero: Mada mada dane (i guess I still have a ways to go...)


Nero went to the island and he realized one thing as he looked from the sky at the young hero...he couldn't remember what he was suppose to do with the hero...

Nero: was I suppose to kill the hero...umm no I had to help him...why did I want to kill the hero the second I see him...

He shook his shoulders and then realized he was hungry...using magic burns calories...so he was starving and then he fell from the sky


Dai's POV

Dai *breathing heavily* I finally escaped from Grandpa

Grandpa Brass was chasing me yelling at me to learn some magic. He wants me to learn magic but

Dai: I want to be a hero! They are cooler

I say to my friend Gomechan whose a golden slim with wings. I remember my adventure I had to find him. The king recognized me as a future hero.

Dai: but...what should I do as a hero?

*Growl* one of my monster friends told me there was something falling from the sky and then I heard a loud crash right in front of me.


Nero: oww..huh did I run out of mana...no...*stomach rumbling*

suddenly he notices a young boy, the is around his age and is wearing all blue

Boy: hey are you alright?

Nero: yeah...I just fell from the sky...I'm doing great

Boy: then why are you crying?

Nero: I DON'T CRY dammit...so this is the island of monsters huh? which makes you Dai correct...

Dai rubs his nose: Yeah I am! I was named a future hero!

Suddenly a monster with a cane was coming. It was a lump shaman

Nero: yup your the guy who was pulling down girls pants, forcing them to walk around in their underwear and had them making strange noises in sketchy hotels...

Suddenly the lump Shaman hit Dai with his cane" what this I hear! I thought I raised you better than this!

Dai: ouch grandpa. That did happen but...ouch stop hitting me grandpa.


-Inside dai's house-

Dai had a huge bump on his head and was rubbing it complaining

Brass: So you heard about Dai and you are going to help him out?

Nero: no...just watch over him. don't mind me. I'll be around here and there...

Nero was about to head out when Dai shouted wait

Nero: huh?

Dai begins asking a ton of questions

Dai: are you a swordsman? how were you flying before was that Levi? what who trained him he looks strong...

Nero: I am a swordsman. I was flying using a cetacea!

Brass was shocked when he heard the mytholical flying creature being used by a boy.

Dai: R-really!

Nero: no...I was using warps. I could have used Nimbus (flying cloud)

Brass was shocked even more and asked: wait you know the ancient cloud somersault technique? I heard its really difficult to use? Legend says only a pure of heart person can use it.

Nero: Idk...it was one of the first things I learned. (now that I think about it the senpais, Nico and tights couldn't use that technique...but a pure of heart..nope...)

Dai: forget all the cloud stuff whats warping?

Nero: its a type of light magic? no spacial magic

Brass: SPACIAL MAGIC( I better calm down. Everything this boy says is shocking for my heart.) So are you a white mage, no the saint!

Nero: no...I'm Complicated....I should go..

Nero left the house and Dai was about to ask if he could train him but his grandpa grabbed him

Dai: whats the problem Gramps

Brass: be careful of that boy..

Dai: why? he seems like a good person

Brass shook his head: yes..he has a pure heart but...his body seems off...

Dai: I don't get it. I like him so I'm going to play with him

Dai ran off while brass shook his head


Dai and Nero begin using wood swords to train with each other. Dai seemed to have some talent but lacked many things.

Dai out of breath fell on his back: I lost again...

Nero: well yeah...but someone with years of sword training wouldn't lose to a person who never held a sword.

Dai thinks of the fake hero who had come to the island and how he took his friend. "I have to get stronger..."

Nero: I see...well why not use magic

Dai: I told you I cant use magic...

Nero: oh you just lack confidence. you compare yourself toyour grandpa. So you put limitations on yourself...Dai...you have talent.

Dai: so I can be as strong as you!

Nero: no..my training was hell...I saw hell...

Dai: it couldn't be that bad...

Nero looks far away: "to get used to healing...my master would have my arms chopped off and I had to regrow them with my healing magic... and he would cut it again...then he would...anyway lets just say...my pain threshold is strong now..

Dai looked at Nero's faced and prayed he never would meet Nero's master...but fate is a strange thing...

AN: Sorry for the lack of chapter. Its around the holidays and I had a lot of work these days. I havent even had a day off in a month.

Dai is from Dragon quest dai. (Akira Toriyama made the designs for the characters)

Brass is from Dragon quest dai

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts