
One Big Happy Family

"It's ok Ma, I'm just glad I can hug you like this for once." I say as I rub her back.

"I know *Sniff* I'm just so happy right now that I'm tearing up." She says before pulling away and rubbing her eyes before looking at me and smiling.

"I'm just glad that I have a son like you in my family now."

"Ahh thanks Ma."

"Now let's call everyone over and have a big family celebration!" She says before grabbing her microphone and calling everyone in the family back to her palace for another Tea Party.

"Come on! Let's go surprise everyone!" She says before taking my hand and leading us back to the Tea Party area.

About an hour later everyone in the family had gathered at the party grounds, and before any got here I returned to my normal height.

"Everyone! I have exciting news! Your brother here and his crew have finally finished the giant serum! Now would you please tell everyone here how it works."

I just nod to her before I go on explaining how it works, and the pros and cons, as well as that those under 16 can't take it or else it will be bad for there health.

After I explained all that I handed everyone that was old enough a syringe to let them inject it into themselves, now a majority of the family has the power to turn into giants for a period of time.

And with that we had another impromptu celebration for the family as everyone was excited for this new strength that they were able to gain, and the celebration went long into the evening before everything was finished and everyone went back home for the night.

After that I spent time with Amande and Cross for the night before the next day came along and I went back to the Isle of Man.

After getting back there I decided that for the next while I would spend time with everyone starting off with a certain woman that seems to love to over work herself over her study's.

"Vargas, I have deciphered all of the Polyglyphs that you have brought to me from both Wano and the ones that Big Ma was holding onto as well, from what I learned so far from all I have gathered if I had to sum it up, I know roughly the general area of where Laughstale is located but I need the other Road Polyglyphs to find where it is specifically, also that there seem to have been only 20 kingdoms that took down the Divine Kingdom but for some reason it says there were 21 families that worked together to defeat them, and that I have the Longitude of where Jupiter is located and based on what I have seen, combining what we found about the Altitude is the Jupiter is somewhere 60,000 feet above the Grand Line, though now where exactly is the question I'm looking for I think-" but I decide to cut her off by lifting her chin before pulling her close and kissing her.

After I pull away, "Robin, as your husband and your Captain I order you to take a long break from studying Polyglyphs, you've been working on this for so long over the pass several years now, so until we find another Polyglyph together and I give the ok, your not to work on this anymore, look at you, how long has it been since you slept? I can smell that you still take baths but I can tell your doing that along with coffee to stay up this long." I say before I carry her princess style and bring her over to her bed that's also in her study.

As soon as she stops working on it all she instantly starts to feel extremely tired, even I notice her eyes drooping as a result and not long after I start to hum her a lullaby that slowly brings her into a deep slumber.

After waiting a bit to make sure she was asleep I decided it was time to leave her be, but as I was leaving Baby 5 showed up, after all she is also Robins assistant, "From now on you have to keep Robin from working on Polyglyphs until I say so, I do want to know more about the Void Century just like her but I don't want her to work herself like that anymore ok?"

"Yes honey, I promise I won't let her work herself to exhaustion again." She says before snuggling up to me.

I just smile and hold her close, "When do you want to have a baby with me?" I say as I rock her back and forth in my arms.

"Mmm… it's still a bit to soon for me, maybe in a year or two we can have children of our own…" she says before shyly snuggling up to me.

"Alright I'll wait then, but for now watch over her and make sure she sleeps like she should and then go out and have fun together, just do anything but work ok?" I say before I pull her up and begin to kiss.

"Mmmm, okay."

"Alright I'll see you two later then." I say before I leave them both alone so they can relax.

"Hmmm…. I think some certain sisters were looking for me at one point to another to talk about something." I say remembering that both Nami and Nojiko want to talk to me about something, so I head off to find the two who were both relaxing in the lounge area.

"You two needed me for something?" I say before taking a seat between them both.

Nojiko puts on a rather devious smile while she looks towards her sister, "Well Nami? Isn't there something you wanted to talk to the Captain about?"

"Well I… Uhh.. well you see I-" but she was then cut off by her sister, "She wants to be in a relationship with you like all the other girls Captain, me included!"

"NOJIKO!!!" Nami says angrily before jumping over me and attacking her sister by stretching out her mouth as they begin to fight and bicker with each other.

By this point in time Nami has really changed along with Nojiko from the girls I once knew, now after being with them for over 7 years they both look like fine young women now, even Nami letting her hair grow out nice and long like compared to her old short hair style.

I let them go at each other for awhile, before I decide to break it up and sit them both on my lap, one on each leg before I wrapped my arms around there waists and looked at them both.

"Are you sure about this?" I say as I look at them both.

Nojiko nods first, "Of course I am! After everything you did for us back then, saving our village, even currently having people protect our town from pirates, having a Tangerine grove growing here for us and helping me improve my cooking skills over the years to become a top of the line chef like I always wanted, of course I would develop feelings for you." She says before wrapping her arms around my neck and holding me close.

Nami just shyly nods, "You helped me personally avenge my mother when I didn't have the power to do it myself, let me see the world, hell you even let me have free access to the treasury to play around with all of the money we have gathered up and are currently getting more and more of, and well even if you are a womanizer you love every single one of us, and I want to be a part of that too." She says before turning my head and pulling me in for a deep kiss.

"Ahh now fair!" Nojiko says before pulling me away from her sister to make out with me as well, making me go back and forth between the two as we make out with one another for quite awhile before we stop and they both rest on my shoulders as I hold them close.

"Soon will go on that adventure to FishMan island Nami and will go look around for treasure, but for the next few days I'm going to spend time with everyone before we head off to Shabody."

"Mmm that's fine Captain will go whenever your ready." She says as both of them snuggle up to me to rest.

After awhile it getting closer to dinner so Nojiko leaves to prepare the food, and Nami leaves to go wash up leaving me to myself.

So afterwards I leave HQ and go back to the Palace and see that the sisters were enjoying themselves with the company of Vivi as well as taking care of my daughters, but seeing as they were busy I let them be before heading off back to Kibi to check up on things.

When I came there back into my office, from my window I could see Toki relaxing under Alenu as she looked up to the sky seemingly in a daze.

Seeing her like that I went outside and sat down next to her, but she seemed to be out of it as she never even noticed me sitting next to her.

"Toki? Are you ok?" I say a bit worried about her current state she was in.

Hearing that broke her out of her daze like state making her flinch before she turned to look at me, "Ohh, Mr. Eagle… I'm sorry you had to see me like this." She says as she try's to get up, but I just gently grab her hand and slowly help her up.

"Why were you just staring off into space like that?"

She then looks a bit sad before she looks back to me, "I miss my children Mr. Eagle, I know it will be a few years until my son appears in the present, but my daughter, she's out there somewhere here in Wano, I can feel it, I just don't know where she is…"

"I know, we have sent people all around Wano to find your daughter, we even checked the Flower Capital but with no luck…. Though a few weeks ago one of my scouts brought me a draw picture of an Orian that looks similar to you, but I dismissed the idea that it was her as that would be way to high profile of a place for her to hide at."

"M-may I see it? I just want to make sure is all…"

"Alright, come with me and we will see if it is her or not." I say before leading her back to my office, and when we get there I pull out a draw picture that one of my scouts brought back and showed it off to her.

And when she looked at it, at first she didn't have a reaction but after looking at it long enough her eyes began to water as she looked at it more and more before As she held it close to her body, "It's her! It's my little Hiyori all grown up!" She says before falling to her knees and sobbing with tears of joy.

"Hmmm…. Now this will be an issue to deal with, if that is her then it's gonna be hard to bring her here to you, after all she is an Orian or from what I can tell from all the info I've gotten just playing as one since she seems to not let any man touch her even if they pay hefty sums of money to her for services but since she is one of the most beautiful women in the Flower Capital she's even sought after by Orochi, so for now after I have dealt with everything I need to deal with in the coming months I'll figure out a way to get her out of the Flower Capital and to here in Kibi." I say as I rub her back.

She then looks up to me with a bright beautiful smile on her face, "Thank you Eagle *Sniff* since coming here to the present you are the nicest person I've met." She says before she goes and hugs me tightly as she cry's her eyes out.

*…. I don't know how I should feel about this, I'm starting to develop feelings for her… but she already has a family and to her, her husband only died over a year ago even though it's been more than 16-17 years since then… I maybe a womanizer but I know when I should or shouldn't do some things, so unless she says she wants to be with me I'm just gonna keep these feelings locked up deep in my heart…* I just hold her close while she continues to cry and cry….



After that there wasn't much else to do in Kibi for now, besides one thing being a certain someone wanting a beauty treatment again and so I did as per usual with Daki.

"Daki I get the feeling your asking for these more and more just so you can spend time with me." I say as I comb through her long silky hair.

She just blushes a bit before huffing and puffing her blushing cheeks up, "You wish! I just like your beauty treatments is all." She says while twirling a strand of hair.

"Sure, sure, whatever makes you feel better princess, but if you want this prince here all you have to do is ask." But she just scoffs at that and ignores me.

I just shrug and continue with my work on her, not noticing the creeping blush covering her face, *Dammit! Why am I still having these feelings, and there just growing more and more for him!* she thinks to herself while she's enjoying herself.

And soon after that was done I left Kibi and went back to Haven to check up on the crew, Sanjuan was just happy that he can alter his size and can actually go onto islands with out sinking them from both his immense size and weight as shrinking alters the bodies overall weight as well.

Catarina was showing off her new looks and getting a tan on the beach, if I had to say how she looks she and Big Ma when she was in her 40's kind of look similar to each other, though from the picture I found of Big Ma back in her 20's it's more a combination of her body from her 20's and her face from her 40's if I had to give a good reference for Catarina's current looks.

And if your wondering would I have sex with her? Only if she asks me because I'm not the one who's going to ask her, though I would only accept now because she took on that contract, before that hell no I would be to worried about having my throat slit in my sleep if I slept around with her.

Vasco and Pizarro were both enjoying themselves with all the food and drink we have here, plus we have our own personal brewery here on the island, and Vasco says that we make his 2nd favorite alcohol here, he enjoys sake most of all but his 2nd favorite is whiskey which is what we make along with plenty of other kinds, and because of the brewery being here he even said to me that he would stake his life on protecting this island just to keep the brewery safe.

As for Shiryu well…

"You want me to teach you how to do the Judgement cut?" I say as I look at Shiryu doing a full on Dogeza towards me.

"Yes! The swordsmanship that you demonstrated to me was so beautiful that I have to learn it as well, so please teach me that skill of yours."

"No, you need to be skilled enough at a bare minimum to cut down 100 men in less than a second, and no not with a single sword swipe but with a single cut for each individual person, if you can't do that yet the there's no reason to teach you."

"Ugh… I can only take down 50 in a second right now…"

"I could teach you a different skill that if trained enough will bring you up to that level with enough training but only if you sign a contract with me, do that and I'll begin to teach you this skill, and when you have enough skill begin to teach you the Judgement Cut."

"If it will help me become a much better swordsman then so be it, I will except this contract of yours."

"Good, then you'll feel a presence enter your chest let it in and then the contract is signed." He nods before feeling a presence by his chest and letting it come in and enter his body.

After getting that confirmation I got a sigh of relief before leading him to an open field, "I learned this skill awhile ago but by that time I had already mastered Judgement Cut so I have never needed to use it, it's called the Dance of Wrath, and when you have perfected it that all it will take is a single slash from your sword and rapid movement for you to cut down your enemy's, Barvar's! Make me 100 wooden dummies!" I say to Barvar's as he has still been keeping an eye on Shiryu.

"Acknowledged, commencing construction of

Wood test dummies…" it says before using its skills to create 100 wood dummies that are spread all around in random area of the field, some close and others far from each other.

"Now watch closely and don't blink, Barvar's set timer for 1 second." Barvar's just nods before placing a timer and setting it for 1 second, I then heighten my senses to the extreme as I'm doing the Dance of Wrath and not Judgment Cut for taking them all down so I waited until…

*Click* the moment I heard Barvar's touch the timer I calculated the movement of the mechanism of when I could attack and before even a 1/100th of a second had passed I had cut down 10 dummies and with in the remaining time I was able to cut them all down with a 1/10th of a second to spare.

"Hooo… did you catch that?" I say as I look over to a somewhat stunned Shiryu.

"I saw it, but you were like a blur to me and by the time you were done they were all cut down."

"And Judgement Cuts is a move where you can cut down army's without the enemy ever seeing you move before there men fall to the ground dead, but someone who has good enough reactions can still defend against the Dance of Wrath, Judgement is on a whole other level, so try and train and see if you can increase your speed to reach my level of Dance of Wrath, when you reach that level and can show me that I will teach you Judgement." I say before leaving him to contemplate what he saw and train in it.

I then go off and pull out a sun bathing chair somewhat near Catarina before just getting down into my trunks and relaxing the day away.

*Mmm nope still not the time yet, but it's almost like he's asking for it by looking like that in front of me…* Catarina says to herself while eyeing at me from behind her sunglasses before going back to sunbathe as well.



"Alright guys like I promised Nami, we're heading off to Shabody so we can go to FishMan island and see the sights as well as hunt for treasure from any wrecked ships just like Nami wants." I say to everyone.

When Nami hears that she just gets all excited, "Yes! It's time we had another adventure Captain!"

"Of course, we might not have adventures as much as we should but having some every once in awhile is great after all, so let's set sail for Shabody! And then off to FishMan island!" I say from the top of our deck.

"Yes Captain!" And the rest of the crew hoist the sails while Nami steers the ship helping us head for Shabody.
