
Raid on Impel Down Pt. 2 (Long Chapter)

After getting into Level 4 it was a nice weather for me but even with the extreme weather resistant potion both Pudding and Theo were sweating a bit and clearly the heat was draining Puddings energy so I decided to carry her on my back.

Though while both me and Theo were running through the inferno she was deeply breathing in my scent with a devious smile on her face.

"This place is so full of fire energy, I can feel my powers growing just like back in Haven." I say as the flames start to naturally attract to my body, it doesn't make my body hotter but I could feel myself have even more energy that I could use.

We were getting close to the entrance of Level 5 but before we could reach it a whip appears out of nowhere and strikes the ground before us as a woman in rather revealing attire walks out before us.

"Mmmmm… Well Well, what do we have here? We got 2 rats and a king rat running around here, now what are you doing here and not in the battle out there with the rest of those muscle heads." She says while she plays around with her whip.

I just put down Pudding and have them stand aside, "No reason Sadi, we're just here to get something from someone here before we take our leave." I say as I crack my knuckles.

"Mmmmmm… I'm a bit honored that and Emperor of the Sea knows my name, but you should know that you call me Little Sadi!" She says as she whips the floor in front of me again.

"Well Little Sadi, do you honestly think you can stop me? Better yet it's almost like your asking me to hurt you by getting in my way, most people fear monsters after all."

"And people are afraid of demons too, plus I haven't been scared of monsters since I was a little girl, so I'm gonna be stopping you here now, or at least until the Warden arrives."

"Unfortunately for you he's still in the bathroom like usual and I have jammed all the signals for den den Mushi's across Impel Down, so I'm gonna have to take you down Little Sadi…" I say while I take and open handed fighting pose.

And since talks are over she began to rapid strike at me with her whip but she seems only have a basic understanding of armament haki that she puts on her whip but with my advanced armament haki it doesn't really do much to me as I mostly just deflect the attacks before I close the distance before rapid striking all of her pressure points on her body leaving her body numb but also extremely turned on leaving her in an intense state of arousal.

"Stay here while we go finish our business down below." I say leaving her there before me, Theo and Pudding head down to level 5.

"Captain why didn't we change her memories like we did with all the rest?"

"I have other plans for her, that's all you need to know."

"Alright Captain, well it seems we're getting into the 5th Level soon enough, I can feel the freezing cold already from here…"

"Don't worry I'll keep you both warm while we make our way down." I say as we pass the threshold of level 5 and enter the frozen hell that this level is.

Elsewhere on the same level, in a certain secret area of level 5 some inmates are looking at the video footage of the entrance of Level 5.

(A/N The Jammer reach is only so far so the level 5 entrance and all the level 6 surveillance Mushi still work but the Jammer has effected the main system so it's not recording anything and only has them watching but not leaving anything that can be used as evidence later.)

"Queen Iva! We got some new guests here in Impel Down." One inmate says to a rather scantly clad man.

"Ohhh? Well let me see who it is?" Iva, better known as Ivankov, says before looking at the video recording, and when he sees who it is it takes him a minute to realize who the red haired man is, and when he does he breaks out laughing.

"Mmmfufufufufu!!! So the Monster himself has decided to visit our humble abode! Well I think we should welcome them into our little part of paradise and see why there here!" He says before motioning to some inmates here to welcome them when they get close by.

Meanwhile we were making our trek through the frozen wasteland that this level is but I was being a huge living heat source so both Pudding and Theo were fine down here as we made our way deeper through the level.

Though we attracted the unwanted attention of some ice wolves that just want to eat us, though they weren't really that strong and after burning some of them to death the rest fled while the real desperate took there charred friends remains to feed upon.

Though soon after as we went even deeper and we're having a rather hard time finding the entrance to level 6, "Dammit! Where the hell is the entrance to the final level at anyway?" I say seeing that we still can't find the entrance.

Though not long later we come across an area that some inmates appear before us, "You guys looking for level 6 right? Well your gonna have come with us as our Queen Iva knows the way there."

"Queen Iva?" All three of us say at the same time while looking at each other, then I just shrug before looking back at them, "Then lead the way."

The inmates nod there heads before leading us around a specific route before leading us to a hidden door that leads us down a hidden path that slowly brings us into what looks like a cabaret.

And when I see this sight I feel like I should cover puddings eyes like a good older brother so she doesn't have to see this at her age, but I don't have time to really do that before a rather large headed scantly class man sees us and does a jump and front flips several times before doing a perfect landing.

"Welcome to Newkama Land! I welcome you all into the Hidden Flower of the Great Prison, now the real question I must ask, Why is the Monster of the Seas, the one they call the Shadow Emperor, The Boogie Man, The Man with 10,000 Faces himself, the one and only, Blood Eagle, doing here?"

"I need to get something from a prisoner in the Eternal Hell, and that's all you need to know, though I do find it odd that inmates have free reign in this part of Impel Down."

"Why of course! This is my own kingdom after all and I am running this show and letting people be happy in this rather sad and depressing place, we even got hidden entrances connected to all of the floors from here both up and downwards, so if you want to get back up quickly will let you use our passages."

"Well thank you then, but why don't you try to escape?"

"And go where exactly? We get to the harbor and will be instantly surrounded by marines and locked up again, so we're just waiting until my leader, the leader of the revolutionary army, Dragon changes the world for the better and comes to get me, he already knows that I'm here so I'm just waiting till the day he comes, Oh! And speaking of him, if you ever get the chance he would like to meet you and talk to you in person, you both have similar goals after all you both want to take down the World Government after all."

"Hmmmm…. I'll think of it, I'll send a message through the underworld that I want a meet up with him and see what he has to say with me, and maybe we can work something out."

"That's all I wanted to hear, well I think I have kept you long enough, let me show you the passageway that leads you down to the 6th Level, when you get what you want down there you can come back up and take the same stairs up if you so want."

"Then I thank you for your assistance." I say as I nod to hike before letting him lead us to the hidden passage down to the 6th level, the Eternal Hell.



Meanwhile as me, Theo and Pudding were making our way through Impel Down, Big Ma and the rest of the family were more or less toying with the marines as they were sinking there ships, and as that was happening Garp was personally fighting Big Ma herself.

"LinLin, I haven't seen you in years, it seems the time hasn't done well to you, you've gained weight!" Garp says guarding against her sword attacks, though he was looking around ready for a surprise attack from a certain someone, but he was finding it odd that the monsters ship was just sitting back and just watching from a safe distance while raining gunfire on any ships that get close.

Hearing that from Garp just infuriates her, "YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT!!!" She says as she begins to attack in a rage of rapid but heavy attacks with her sword.

But Garp is skilled enough to deflect her attacks, but he was wondering deep down why the Monster was staying out of this fight.



Not long later we finally reached it, the eternal hell, though compared to everywhere else in Impel Down it just looked like a normal prison, but here the guards were clearly not slacking off or watching the battle up above as not long after we came across a very large number of guards that didn't even say anything as they instantly raised there weapons at us.

But I was having none of that so I instantly used my conquers haki on them all and making them all lose consciousness.

"Pudding alter there memories, Theo stay and guard her, anymore show up use your miasma to knock them out as well, I'm going on ahead to deal with Bryndi." I say before I start to walk deeper into Level 6.

The place was rather damp and only lightly lit as there was barely enough light to see, so I made a fireball to get a better look around, and not surprisingly that half the cells had inmates while the other half were empty, not that many people at this level get put here since there's not that many that are at there level of strength.

Though they all approached the cell bars to get a look who had lit the rather bright light, and they realized I wasn't a guard.

"Oh ho? Would you look at that? Someone was able to sneak all the way down here without a sound? I wonder just who are you? You seem pretty strong if you have conquers haki and all that…" a rather buff man with blond dreadlocks says as he comes up to get a better look at me.

"Though I can tell your not on Roger or Whitebeards level of strength…" he says before going back into his cell and sitting down not caring anymore.

"I don't tend to brag about my status to people I meet Douglas Bullet."

This startles him a bit, "Funny… I didn't say my name, who are you exactly?"

"People call me Blood Eagle, the 5th Emperor of the Sea, though I honestly could care less about that title, the world government only gave me that title because there helpless against me when I do what I want."

"Pfft, and what exactly did you do to earn that title anyway?" I hear from what seems the only woman this far down in Impel Down.

I just stop in front of her cell, "Well Catarina, I was there when the fishmen attacked Mary Genoise and slaughtered several world nobles and over 6 years ago I caused the Shabody Massacre where not only did I kill every single marine stationed there i televised to the world of me torturing and killing over 10 world nobles for the world to see, and it was all because they thought it was a bright idea to try and ruin my honeymoon so I slipped passed all the admirals and began my massacre saying that if they ever tried to fuck with me or my people that I would do something much worse, and that was the day I got that title, though it seems all of you were imprisoned here before that so you don't know of those events." I say to her and the rest listening before I proceed deeper into the Level.

"Then why are you even here? Are you here to find promising recruits or something? Cause even if you did let me out of here I'm not going to follow your lead if it's the last thing I do…" says a rather older gentleman looking fellow.

"That depends Redfield whether everyone else here is even interested in that, I could use strong people to join my cause, but that's up to you if your interested or not, though if I do let you out of here, and you are able to escape but don't want to join up with me you owe me a favor that I'll be cashing in the not so distant future." I say passing his cell before standing before very old and frail looking man who looks like on the verge.

"But I am here for you Bryndi, you have something I'm after." I say before taking out a skeleton key and unlocking his cell, but before the old man could do anything I already had my hand deep into his chest before pulling out and ripping out his heart.

The old man didn't have the chance to even fight back in his state of malnourishment that made killing him all the easier.

I then come out in full view for all the inmates to see me carrying his heart before it slowly turned into a devil fruit, the one I was after specifically the More More Fruit, before I wiped the blood off and put it in my coat where it disappeared into my inventory.

"So I have to ask are you guys interested in getting out of here?" I say as I spin my skeleton key around and around in front of them.

"I'd rather not spend the rest of my days locked up in this hell hole, being absolutely bored out of my mind." One of them said and everyone else agreed with him that they'd rather be out of here if they can.

So I just grin before I go around unlocking all of there cells and breaking all of there cuffs by melting them off of them and tossing them a weapon appropriate for them.

"Hmmm… you really did your research on us if you even know our preferred weapons." Caterina says while she holds her saber before swiping it down as she gets used to the feel of the blade.

"Well one of my nicknames is 'The Man with 10,000 Faces' after all so I can easily get into places I shouldn't be at, like here, though I do have a distraction currently going on so it does make it getting in here easier."

"Hey, what about me? If we're trying to sneak out how exactly am I gonna get out of here?" Says a giant the size of a hill.

"Right…. How are we gonna get Wolf out of here?" I say out loud, that is before I come up with an idea.

*System, can I temporarily use the powers of my devil fruits for a short time?*

System- Host is allowed to temporarily use his acquired devil fruits and there powers, but host will also suffer the weaknesses of using the devil fruits powers during the duration of having the powers active.

"Heh, I think I just got an idea, Wolf hold still." I say before touching him and having him rapidly shrink until he was only 10 feet tall instead of him being well over 500 feet tall, even his clothes shrank along with him.

"Wow… I've never been this small before, I'm even smaller than before I ate my devil fruit…" he says while looking at himself and back at his massive cell that held him for so long.

"Just so you know I'm not joining you or your crew or whatever we do after get out of this got it?" (Redfield)

"My thoughts exactly." (Douglas)

"And I'm not asking you to join my crew or my fleet, but I saved both of your asses so I'll be calling in a favor from you two and if you decide to ignore it well…. Let's just say you'll have wished you never left here…"

"Hooo? Is that a threat?" Douglas says while cracking his knuckles.

"No, it's a fact that you'll have wished I had never came to get you out of here, when I need be I'm extremely ruthless, once you get out of here look up what the Shabody Massacre was and that's me when I'm at my most sadistic, cruel and ruthless, and what I'll do to you two should you ignore me calling in my favor is much much worse than that."

"Tch, we will see about that and whether I even feel like it." Douglas says before he decides to head towards the main exit.

"Well if you want to take the long way back, be my guest, the rest of us will take the hidden route out of this place instead." I say as I motion to the rest who begin to follow me with only Redfield contemplating whether he should follow or not, and Douglas trying to stop himself from having a brain aneurysm before deciding to follow me, and not long later Redfield sucks up his pride and follows after me.

"Captain, the jobs done?" Theo says after seeing me come back, though he sees the rest he ignores them and focuses on me, though Pudding gets a bit scared when she sees the rather scary looking woman lick her lips at her and hugs close to me.

"Catarina, I know you do things that I would never do, but my crew and my family are off limits." I say as I bare the full weight of my conquers haki straight down on her.

This causes her knees to buckle and force her onto one knee, "Alright! Alright! My bad! Old habits die hard ok?" She says in a slightly apologetic way.

"Tch." I then let her off while she grumbled under her breath.

"Alright let's just get the hell out of here, Theo I want you to take this and bring Sadi back to the ship, I have a proposition for her when I undo what I did to her." I say handing him a mobile gate that destroys itself after use.

"You got it." He says taking it and heading up ahead of us.

"Alright let's get the hell out of here." I say before hoisting Pudding over my shoulder as we make our ascent through the hidden passage leading us up to the main entrance of Impel Down.



While we were making our ascent, the battle isn't looking good for the marines, about 3/4ths of all there fleet has been destroyed and it has only been less than 2 hours since the start of this fight.

"Dammit, why isn't that bastard son in law of yours coming out for a fight?!" Garp shouts as he bleeding a bit, but Big Ma isn't looking so good as well from there fight.

"You can barely manage me, and your fleet is falling to piece due to my family, and you think you have the time to worry about him?" Big Ma says mockingly to Garp.

"I won't feel good until I get the chance to beat the shit out of him myself!"

"And that's not gonna happen, not now, and if you don't focus maybe never!" She says as she swipes her blade at him wreathed in flames that he just barely dodges and counter attacks back at her making them fight in a back in forth fashion.

Meanwhile as everyone is still nervous and on edge about the fight the fleet is dealing with and losing too, underneath all the mist a motor boat passes by all the wreckage unseen and undetected by everyone as they are to focused on all the fighting.

Then suddenly in the sky a flare goes off behind them all from the Bloody Mary.

Big Ma just grins at that before she sends Garp Flying back before she jumps high and lands back on her ship with a wide grin on her face.

Before Garp can try and do anything the storm intensifies and pushes the ships apart as the mist thickens to the point of blinding, then a large creaking noise is heard once again and not long after the noise happened, the storm begins to die down as the mist begins to fade and to everyone's shock every enemy pirate ship has just seemed to have vanished.

Seeing this Garp just gets furious before taking a barrel that's nearby and slamming it into the floor smashing it to pieces.

"GOD DAMMIT!!!!" He shouts enraged at the battle that they seemed to have lossed, though from a certain standpoint it was a victory as they were unable to break into Impel Down, but it wouldn't be until a day later that they noticed that all of the inmates of Level 6 were missing and that Bryndi World was killed with his heart ripped out, but they decided to completely cover up what happened and made it look like that the Marines repelled the Big Ma pirates and the Monster from raiding Impel Down.



After that victory, I told Ma that I had to do something's and will come over when the serum is made for all of us so we can celebrate as a family.

I had to part ways with Pudding who was sad but knowing we would see each other soon enough she got over it and went back home with her family.

When we reached F. Haven I gave both Redfield and Douglas there own boats and let them head off to do there own things, after they left I look towards the rest of the Level 6 prisoners.

"Question is are any of you interested in joining my fleet?" I say looking at the remaining 5.

"Oo Oo! I'll join your Fleet! I suddenly like being at this size, and if I can only enjoy things like this if I stick to your crew." Sajuan Wolf says as he is clearly enjoying his current looks.

"Well you saved my ass so I guess I owe you so helping your fleet should be enough for me, and if I can go out and do what I want again the better." Catarina says while playing around with her saber.

"So long as I get the alcohol I need I don't mind helping you out." Bad o says before taking a swig from his rather large gourd.

"I'll just go with the flow, I have nothing better to do any way nya." Avalo says before he goes and enjoys eating some meat and beer.

"But unlike them I'm unconvinced of how strong you claim you be, though from what I have heard about you before I was imprisoned, you seem to be an excellent swordsman and that's something I can respect, so I challenge you to a duel, if your skills are as frightening as people say they are then I'll be glad to join your fleet." The former head Jailer of Impel Down, Shiryu says to me.

"Shiryu, I have nothing I need to prove to you, I could care less if you joined my fleet or not, but you have challenged me to a duel so I'll respect your wish, let's go over there to a bit more of an open space." I say before leading him over to an open grassy field.

Shiryu readies himself as I summon my katana form of Dandelga and hold it to my side in a Iaijutsu position ready to quickly draw my blade.



"Try not to die… Judgment-" I say before releasing a flurry of attacks so fast that Shiryu who is an extremely fast swordsman in his own regard could barely react only blocking a few sword strikes before ultimately getting cut apart before I came back to my original position.

"-Deaths Rose." I say as I click my blade back into its sheathe and him spurting blood from almost every angle on his body before he falls to his knees only keeping himself up with his katana.

I then make Dandelga disappear before I look back at him and see him crying, but not tears of pain, but of…. Joy?

"That technique…. It's so beautiful…. It's like the first time I ever saw the sun rising over the horizon, that's how beautiful that technique of your is! I believe in fate, and I believe fate is what brought me here to meet you, and to see that marvelous swordsmanship of yours, please forgive my pass rudeness as I would be honored to join your fleet as well." He says before standing up, even though he is covered in wounds, and bowing his head towards me.

"Good, I accept your apology and I welcome you to my fleet as well, I will say this to all of you, if your a part of my fleet I don't care what you go off and do in the world, but I want to make it clear our main focus is to fuck over the world government, the marines, and anything they love or care about, if you want to go around doing normal pirate things like raiding and attacking ships for treasure, what you loot is yours I won't even ask for it, but you only say your a part of the Monster Fleet when dealing with the WG, everything else is because of your own crew, this island and the one I have in the southern calm belt will be our HQ's that you can come back to relax or resupply At before heading off to do your own things, but till your ships are made you'll be here for the time being got it?"

Everyone just nods in agreement to what I say, "Well then enjoy your time here, oh and a final warning, everyone here is a part of our Fleet, I don't care if you get into brawls with each other or what ever but you kill anyone, I'll personally take your head and mount it on a wall, but besides that enjoy yourselves." I say before leaving them to think about what I said.

Though they thought of seeing what would happen should they do it, seeing the disheveled state Shiryu was in made them think otherwise, because they all realized that in that short duel, that was me not being even remotely serious and he looks like that now, they all had one thing on there mind.

*Its not worth the hassle to piss him off.*
