
Invite to the Fire Festival Pt. 3

Soon after the ship came to shore the shogun and his retainers came, I also sensed a bunch of his personal ninjas scattering around Onigashima, Kaido could tell too and he wasn't pleased from the even grumpier look on his face, I just tapped his arm, "Ignore it, he's probably doing that because I'm here after all you have said he is a cautious coward after all." I say as I proceed forward to meet Orochi.

"Hmph, it still pisses me off, he better pay me more if he really wants me to ignore it." He says as he follows along right next to me.

"Ahh Kaido! It's so good to see you again! This Fire festival is gonna be fantastic this year after all we have a guest of honor…. Speaking of which where is Mr. Eagle anyway?" He says clearly ignoring me while looking around for me.

I just smirk a bit before letting out a torrent of conquers haki on him and his retainers, scaring him and his weaker willed retainers while the stronger ones pulled out there blades and readied themselves for battle.

"I'm a guest of honor you say? Then why we're you ignoring me Hmm?" I said with a smile that a devil would make.

But needing to show his leadership skills, even if he is scared shitless, he picked himself up and dusted himself off before he began to fawn over me, "No no no! Of Course not! I just never seen a picture of you without your iconic mask on is all! I meant no disrespects what so ever!"

Both me and Kaido look at each other before we begin to laugh, "Hehehe sorry Orochi it was just a joke, I knew that you wouldn't have seen a picture of me before so let me reintroduce myself." I say as I hold out my hand in open 'friendship' which after hesitating for a few seconds decides to shake my hand back.

"You can Call me Eagle, Leader of the Monster Pirates."

"Kurozumi Orochi, the Shogun of Wano, it is a pleasure to meet you in person Mr. Eagle."

"Please Orochi just call me Eagle, calling me Mr. Eagle seems so distant after all I want to make some deals with you if you will, but that can wait after all we have a festival to celebrate!"

"Of course! Of course! It's time we celebrate the day I took over Wano with the help of my good friend Kaido after all." And with that said the real Fire Festival began as everyone besides the three of us began to Celebrate around Onigashima.

While the festivities were underway, Me, Kaido, Orochi and Black Maria being with us as the musician we all began to enjoy ourselves with luxurious food and drink.

"Ahh this is the life, I know you've heard this plenty of times, but thank you old friend for what you did for me back then." Orochi said while he was enjoying his Sake.

"Don't mention it, I don't have much to discuss with you as things have been going smoothly for the past year or so, but Eagle here has a business deal for you." (Kaido)

"Ohh of course! So what deal do you have for me that will benefit us both?"

"Well question is if say I had the ability to turn some of the wastelands into fertile devils to grow crops would you be intrested?" Hearing this Orochi choked a bit on his sake before coughing a bit before looking up at me with a rather serious face.

"You could actually do that?"

"I have somethings in my possession that can do as I say."

"And what would be the price for you to do this?"

I just pull out a map of Wano and turn to Kaido, "Where are the majority of your weapons factory's located?"

"Most of them are in Kuri and Udon with only a couple in Kibi… what are you gonna transform one of those areas specifically?"

"Yes, Orochi if I do this I want one thing and that's it, I want the area of Kibi under my control, in exchange it will be used as a hub for cultivation of crops so it's no longer an issue of having to import food into your country and the best part it will save you loads of money." Orochi was grinning with glee as if he can save money just by having his own crops grown instead of imported them he can spend even more on himself.

"Though your gonna make me an offer right? I'm not just gonna let some of my factory's go without a price…" (Kaido)

"Hmm well I do have some automations that can mine and help produce weapons nonstop with only needing oil to grease up there joints and molten hot metals for energy sources, unlike people they never need to sleep and will never die of exhaustion either, so the question is how many factories would have to be shutdown permanently is my question."

"There are a total of 5 factories currently in Kibi."

"Then how about I give you 20 of my automations to make up for the loss of those factories, that would be 4 per factory that can both help manufacture large sized weapons they also can help you mine and find new ore deposits as well."

"Hmmm…. If what you say is true then these auromations would definitely make up for the loss of my factories." Kaido says while stroking his chin.

"If you both don't mind I can show you one right now." I say as I begin to stand up and move to a rather large open space.

"Sure show us this Automation of yours." Kaido seemed intrigued but Orochi seemed confused.

"Wait how are you gonna make it appear before us?"

"Let's just say I can move anything I own to where I am located." I say as I clap my hands, mostly for show, and summon a Fire Totem right in front of them.

Now you might be wondering am I really gonna give away 20 Fire totems if there so rare for evolution units? Well because of Yamatos luck and wanting to find cute evo units she also found a lot of not cute things including these Totems that well aren't cute obviously but are big and bulky and made for hard work since they only exist to help in some way there the perfect choice to make the deal with Kaido as they stand at around 12ft tall and can easily do heavy labor nonstop."

Kaido then stood up went to look it over personally, "20 of these things just so you can take over the area of Kibi for yourself?…. Heh you got yourself a deal." He says as we shake on it.

"Fantastic news isn't it? And we won't need to import foods anymore meaning more money for me! And more money for us too! Gufuhahahahahaha!" Orochi said with glee as he began to dance around like an idiot, while me and Kaido just grinned at each other while he wasn't paying attention.

After awhile of him goofing around we all went back to drinking as usual.

"Kaido I've been hearing rumors of dissenters in the slum towns outside the capital, people are talking bad about me behind my back! Sure I could just kill them or give them a life sentence but I want a solution where they can't talk bad about me anymore... I was thinking of poisoning the water supply with that SMILE chemical that makes people who ingest it to never be able to express negative emotions again such as say thinking about rebelling now would it?"

Since Kaido was taking a big swig from his gourd it was the perfect time to cut it, "I think that would be a terrible idea, sure it would make it impossible for them to express there emotions verbally they can still write down if there pissed and if there illiterate there are other ways to get emotions across after all, basically you do that it's just gonna make them hate you even more than they do right now."

"Hmph like I care for those that can't afford to live in the flower capital, those that can't pay are less than human to me and aren't even considered my citizens."

"Sure, sure, but those noncitizens of yours out number you and everyone under you at what? A 10 to 1 ratio, maybe if a rebellion would break out and you could quell it, you'll be down a lot of men for you, and lot of people that can help Kaido in his factories, you or Kaido even can afford those losses?"

After hearing that it left them both to think about it, if a rebellion does happen none of the rebels would allow themselves to be taken in alive as they would either die in battle or kill themselves if they were ever captured, but it would wreck even more of the land and maybe ruin the flower capital, and it will slow weapon productions heavily, both of these things neither wants to see happen as Orochi began to clutch his head freaking out about the situation as a whole.

"Though I have an easy way to fix it but it will take time for the affects to take place but it goes like this, why don't we fake a somewhat falling out between you two?"

They both look at each other before looking back at me, "How the hell will that work exactly boy?"

"We paint the picture like this, in simple terms we paint Kaido as the bad guy and the sole reason for everyone's suffering in Wano where as Orochi you play as the victim in this situation, it will go like this basically Kaido takes all the blame for everyone's suffering while you Orochi work the sob story that he was the one that is forcing you to do terrible things and with my help want to slowly fix it, but Kaido being the absolute confident man that he is absolutely doesn't care what is said or done as he is so confident that even with me helping Wano will still be under his thumb in the end, if we play this off right in time no one will hate poor old Orochi but instead pour all there Hate on Kaido instead, but even if they made an army against him they would know that without someone of equal standing to him leading the way they won't be able to rebel against him." As I'm saying this a gentle nice smelling smoke fills the room thanks to a certain someone to make people more persuasive than they would normally.

As they both breath it in not think about it and focusing on what is said the more and more they like the idea, well more Orochi than Kaido, but Kaido doesn't care one way or another so long as he has weapons constantly being made after all.

"This plan…. It could just work! And in the end they all won't hate me anymore and will truly come to love me like a real leader should!!! Gufuhahahhahaha!!!" He says happily before downing his sake and getting more drunk in the process.

I just grin as I raise my cup in toast, "To our continued partnership, to weapons, and even more to money!!!"

"CHEERS!!!" We all say before downing copious amounts of alcohol us mostly getting drunk in the process.

"*hic* Well you two…. You have fun…. I'm I'm gonna have some fun partying with everyone else!" I say as I stumble around a bit before heading off to enjoy the party down below with everyone else of course instantly making myself sober by superheating myself and grinning that me and Kaido's plans for Wano are coming together nicely he'll I even got a part of Wano strictly under my control, sure it's just a wasteland right now but that's not a problem I can't fix with a few earth totems and the seed of the Great Tree Alneu after all.

But since I still wanted to enjoy myself I decided to go join the massive rave party down below, in stylish fashion as I hero landed into the middle of the crowd freaking out some, that is till the DJ Queen himself pointed me out.

"Look guys! Eagle has come to join the rest of us! Now we really got a party if one of the head honchos is here, so I say let's pump it up even louder!!!"

"YEAH!!!" They all said in excitement as the party got even crazier as a result, though besides Barvars whose a giant golem everyone else in my crew who came with were here enjoying the party though Albedo, Shalltear and Alice were off in there own booth just relaxing and watching the fun, Neviro and Zekuu were being wall flowers that were constantly getting the ladies attention, while Zeek, Rugahr, Czorag, and Eve were partying and everyone else were off somewhere else doing there own things.

Though Queen was still pissed at me a bit for beating him up back then, so he came up with an idea to embarrass me, "Hey Eagle! Why don't you come on up here! I've heard that your good musician! Why don't you show us some of those skills then?" Though that was a loud of bullshit as he hadn't heard I ever played any instrument.

But unlucky for him that over the years I have taken up several hobbies and one of them just so happens to be playing music, so with a smirk I jump up onto stage, "Then step aside and let a real pro show you how it's done."

This genuinely surprises him but he does what he's told and let's me take the stage, I grin as I snap my fingers as I summon a full band set up while summoning a flaming guitar and making skeletons take there places before I start off my song.

(Song: Schism by Tool)

The song starts off slow but picks up with a rather good beat that got people to move and away to, not like there usual raves they do but they enjoyed this music none the less while I take the main guitar role and singing the lyrics.

"Hmmm maybe I should include other kinds of musics into the Fire Festival besides just rave music all the time…." Queen says to himself as he's banging his head to the beat as he's listening it, clearly forgetting the original plan to make a fool out of me.

As the song slowly came to an end the crowd cheered before they kept calling out, "ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!" So I just had to give the people at least one more song so I thought about it and I thought of the perfect one.

(Song: Are you Ready by Disturbed)

This started off at a more heavy beat at the start with me having more lyrics but I have come to master how to both sing and play guitar at the same time as well, luckily Orochi was busy with Kaido as this song sounds more like a song that would help bolster morale for a rebel force after all if they heard it.

And clearly everyone was loving it, well a good chunk were what Kaido calls the pleasures which are the guys that can't hate anything anyway because they were the one of the 75% that failed and are stuck permanently unable to express any emotion other than happy emotions so they had no choice but to like it, but the gifters liked it as well so did the waiters and my crew so clearly everyone loved it.

And after it finally ended everyone was up in excitement, I just waved them off before handing it back over to Queen to lead the party on as I went back into the crowd with everyone coming up to me not even afraid of me as compared to there boss I'm much more easier to get to know and get along with than Kaido so everyone went up to meet me with some of the gifter girls really wanting to get to know me personally, but with Albedo being a deterrent I just told them maybe another time as I went and joined the rest of my crew.

Soon the night passed and the next day came as me, Kaido and Orochi came to the shore to see him off as he headed back to Wano, "Orochi I will be going over there personally through the north port I just have to discuss things with Kaido first, so I'll see you there."

"Alright friend I will see you soon." He says with a smile as he and the rest of his crew reboard his ship before heading back to Wano.

After he has gotten far enough away, we turned and look at each other as we broke out laughing, "Oh this is too easy, we both have him wrapped around our fingers and soon when the time is right Wano will be ours, the perfect stronghold for the final War against the world."

"Mn that it will be, now I think you should head off then with your crew to do what you need to do and after that do what you like there as you will, oh and take Maria with you, she seems worried about my daughter, she was one of the few people that actually got along with her after all." He says before turning away and going back to his place while Maria comes over to the ship along with Page one and Ulti to rejoin us as we all head off to the northern port of Wano into my newly owned region of Kibi.
