
Time Marches on Pt. 1

About a month and a half after I stated to myself to fuck up this world if need be, I was at the private tea party of Big Ma's.

"Alright Children I have gathered all of us here for a private Tea Party with Just us family members only for one reason alone, you may have notice over the past month that some of your siblings have exponentially increased in there strength, and the one to thank for that is my lovely son in law Blood Eagle." She says as she motions towards me.

"Thank you Mama, and yes I have a way to make all of you much stronger than you are now, and all I require is that you sign a soul contract that what is said here can't be told to anyone else that doesn't already know about this info."

"And what will happen even if you do, not like you could stop us even if you wanted to." Cracker says as he crosses his arms while looking at me, he still doesn't like me from losing to me back then and also leaving him to the wolves with the others at my party back on liquor island.

"Oh I won't have to do anything, no matter how powerful you are, even momma can attest for it herself, break the contract or even think about breaking the contract, your soul is destroyed, simple as that."

"I will say this so none of you get hurt…. Take what he says seriously, I have a powerful soul and everyone here know that…. And whatever that thing was if it wanted to…. I would have died already…."

"!!!" Everyone who doesn't already know, basically everyone that doesn't have a soul contract already, stood up in absolute shock, some getting pissed off pulling out there blades and guns pointing them at me, specifically Cracker having his blade at my neck.

But I was absolutely unfazed by everyone readying themselves to attack me, because not long after both me and Big Ma let out our Conquers Haki into the area making all of them standing against me barely being able to stand up or being forced to kneel before us, Pudding, being the only kid here because I wanted her to come to this party, was getting all scared but I just rubbed her head to calm her down.

"THATS ENOUGH!!! The lot of you PUT. YOUR. WEAPONS. DOWN. NOW!!!" She sends out an even stronger pressure wave that I use my haki to protect everyone at my table from Big Ma's attack that instantly sends people to the ground making the strong ones completely kneel and the weaker ones to collapse entirely.

"Hmph! That's better, now let me say this it's not him that attacked me when I thought about breaking the contract back then but something much more, it's the being that gave him the ability to make all of you much stronger than you are right now, now quit your stalling and just accept the contract already!"

After that little fiasco everyone decided to calm down and accept the contract, including little Pudding, so with that I told them everything my powers could do for them and how they can all become much stronger so long as they put in the effort and try as they will only get stronger and try, unlike my lovers or my crew I'm not giving them everything on a silver platter they all have to work for it for if they want to get stronger they will have to hunt there evolution units and Metal units and use there own money on themselves if they want to get much, much stronger than they are currently.

"Now with that all said, I should reintroduce myself to you with my true looks." I say as I take off my mask and look at everyone with my real face, "Hello everyone, the names Vargas, Firebrand Vargas, The Youngest Warlord of the Sea."

And like usual everyone was somewhat shocked at the revelation of who I really am.

"And yes he is definitely is who he says he is I've already checked and your sister Amande has confirmed it with me as well." (Big Ma)

"That's so cool Big Bro! Your working right under there noses without them even knowing about it!" Pudding says all excited like.

"Mhm and when the time is right, as a family we will make this world our playground…" I say as grin while looking to the west towards the red line.

"MAMA MAMA! That's right son when we got enough power will take down not only the government, but the rest of the pirates that stand between us and the One Piece where I'll truly be The Pirate Queen!" She says and begins to laugh to herself, and everyone begins to cheer for her.

"OOOOOOOOO!!!" (Everyone)

"Now let's get this party started!!!" Both Big Ma and me say at the same time as we celebrate the true beginning of a new age of the Big Ma Pirates and the family as a whole.

And it was a very fun night indeed with sweets, food and drinks everyone was in a festive mood, I mainly spent it with Amande on my right and my little sis Pudding on my left, the rest of the girls were off doing there own thing, Mama wanted to slowly tell everyone about me and my relationship with several of there sisters, though Brûlée decided to come over to ask me about something.

"So I have to ask, if I do this evolution thing will it help with my looks at all?" She says as she feels the scar on her face.

"Yeah, usually it helps not only make you stronger but starts to change your looks to how you want to look like as you evolve, so if you want to up your beauty and say rival your sister Broye's looks then yes you could look just as or better looking than her."

"I want to go to that place immediately!"

"Now hold your horses there, don't forget what I said you can only access that place while you sleep."

"Oh…. Right sorry I just got so excited that I forgot…"

"It's alright Brûlée, but it's gonna take time and effort but you'll eventually get what you want."

She just nods and thanks me before she goes off and celebrates with everyone else.



After all the festivities ended and I said goodbye to Pudding and all the rest I headed back home with Amande in tow.

When we get back we go and rest and relax on the couch as we cuddle up to each other.

"Mmmm…. Thank you for helping my family love."

"Hey there my family too and I just thought it was time to help out everyone get stronger after all."

"Mmmm well thank you none the less."

"Hey it's what I do best, and that's making you and all my girls happy."

She just smiles as she pulls me close to start making out with me, if we weren't tired from all the partying I'd think we'd have a bit of fun together but we just made out and cuddled together for the night till we fell asleep.

That night in the frontier I taught the Charlotte family the ropes and send them off on there training as well as there own personal quests so they can farm up the necessary units to help them evolve from where they are at right now.

Though I personally helped Pudding with her training and help her fight weaker enemy's so she could get stronger, though I only let her fight slimes for the time being, though she didn't really want to hurt them because they were cute looking.

"Pudding! If you beat them I'll let you keep one as a pet if you want!"

"Really?!?!" She said and after that she took out a frying pan and the knife I gave her and started to fight off the slimes and beat them while only a few scrapes here and there.

"Big Bro I did it!" She said as she tan over to me, I just grinned and lifted her up and twirled her around before putting her down and rubbing her head.

"Good Job! Now let's go fight some more, and after all of this I'll let you pick which one you want and let you keep it in the real world."

"Yay! Let's go then Big Bro!" She says all excited like before she goes deeper into the woods we're currently training in.

I just shake my head before I chase off after her.

Then when morning came and everyone got up and got dressed, had breakfast and after all that I headed off to Puddings place to keep my promise.

"So which one do you want to keep as a pet?"

"I want the red one!"

"You sure? It could start a fire if your not careful."

"It's ok, besides I can use it to help me with cooking dishes too!"

"Well alright, here you go, be sure to take care of it well." I say as I make a red fire slime appear in my hands before handing it off to Pudding who began to hug and snuggle up to it.

"Thank you Big Bro! I love him!"

"Well just be carful with Burny ok? I don't want you to hurt yourself, but if any of those snot nose brats try to bully you again, he will be there to help you out, he may not be strong but he's strong enough to deal with some kids."

"Ok Big Bro I Will remember that!" She said still all happy like as she spun around while holding Burny.

I just shook my head and said good bye to her before heading back home, when I got back everyone was busy with doing there work so I just told Amande I'm going home and if they want they can come over to my island to hang out.



About a year has past since everyone in the Charlotte family got access to the frontier, not really much happened during the past year.

Mostly everyone in the Charlotte family was trying to get stronger and some were getting close to evolving.

Brûlée was actually one of the few that was able to evolve the earliest as out of everyone she was the one who wanted to change her looks the most.

And change she did as she lost her scar and her face took on a more feminine look, making her look almost identical to her twin sister Broye except her nose was still a bit red in appearance but she didn't seem to mind and was just happy that she looked beautiful now.

And that was basically it, no one else evolved as it was still very hard to evolve themselves even if they worked on getting there levels up and doing there own personal quests.

A few months back I turned 20 and well for my birthday let's just say me and all my wives and lovers combined decided to have a huge orgy in celebration that went on into the next day…

What you thought I would tell you all about that? Hey sometimes it's better I don't talk about that stuff all the time in extreme detail but hey maybe on one of my other birthdays I'll go into even more detail on this stuff.

And there's finally one last thing to mention, a year has passed now soo…


"Hmmmm so he made that choice Huh? Well I'd expect no less from him to choose those two, well I better play the part so the remaining guild members don't get too suspicious." (???) says before he shifts into a more familiar form for this guild as he appears in this game that is close to shutting down for good as the developer has started to open a new game soon to take place over the old one.

As he appears taking on the familiar appearance of one of the few remaining members the guild leader and the other only remaining member that was still here.

"… I'm a bit surprised that you showed up for the final day of this game of ours, I thought you said you were too busy with work to show up?" The guild master asked.

"Oh I was but since this was the last day and we will have to start all over again in the next game, I decided to copy the code of all of our friends creations so we can bring them with us into the new game, so even if they aren't going to get back into the gaming scene will still have there creations for remembering them with." (???)

"Ohhh how thoughtful of you, if my brother still played this game he'd be happy that you were doing this for him." Says the other only female member of the guild remaining.

"Wait…. Can you not copy my creation….." the guild master says whiles massaging his head.

"Why? You don't want your creation to join us in this next game of ours?" (???)

"Oh I know why! Boss your still embarrassed of your creation aren't you, I mean you did give him rather…. Eccentric looks and personality."

The guild master just puts his hands on his face coving them in shame, "it was just a moment of weakness that I made him that way, every time I thought of deleting him I always would hesitate and then not do it, but since we're going into a new game after this I don't want to bring him there with us…."

"That's fine, I'll just copy down everyone else's creations so they can join us later on." (???) says as he begins to download the data.

"Well I think it's about time I head off, I got a new VA job coming up soon and I got to prepare for that as well, see you guys in the new game." Both (???) and the guild master wave her off as she logs out of the game, with her gone it's absolutely silent in the guild meeting room as (???) was still downloading the data.

"… Say…. Is it alright if I change the data on the creations that our old guild mates had made for us?" The guild master says as he starts to fidget around just as (???) had finished downloading all the data.

"Why not? I just made copies of all of our companions creations so go wild and do whatever you want with them since the game is about to shutdown in a few minutes anyway I don't really mind what you do, but with my job done here I'll just say goodbye, it was nice seeing you before the game ended." (???)

"And it was nice seeing you as well old friend, I'm gonna stay until the servers shutdown for good." The guild leader says as he relaxes in his chair, (???) just nods at him before disappearing right in front of his eyes.

Being left alone with his thoughts and being given the ok from one of his friends to do whatever he wants he pulls up a menu and decides to change something on one of his friends creations.

"….. Loves Momonga….."


As (???) is traveling back to the world of one piece he sees the change on the one of the ones he is bringing over, "hmmm well let's change that name for our guy shall we?" He says as he changes his version of the code to say Loves Vargas instead.

"I think he will like this, lucky for him that monsters that he brings into his world don't suffer the same consequences of there real world counter parts…."

(A/N ??? Was disguising himself as Tabula btw)


After the light begins to fade two rather beautiful women appear before me, one with raven black hair, white horns, black raven like wings with and a beautiful white gown.

The other was a smaller woman with both pale white skin and hair with blood red eyes where a red and purple Victorian styled outfit with while holding a parasol over her shoulder blocking the sunlight from giving her delicate skin a sunburn.

"Albedo/ Shalltear Bloodfallen, are at your service my master." The two girls say at the same time but both instantly get mad at each other.

"AHHH?!? What did you say you skank?! He obviously summoned me here because he knows that I'm the better of the two of us! You just got summoned because you were nearby me at the time!" (Shalltear)

"OHH that's rich coming from a fake tits little slut like yourself! Your creator made you the way you look because he always had every fetish in the book to put on his creations after all!!" (Albedo)

As that was said they instantly began to cat fight each other, clearly wherever they were from originally they didn't exactly get along.

*Guess I'm gonna have to put my foot down and show them whose boss here…* I think to myself as I release my conquers haki full force that pins them both to the ground just from my pressure alone, this is nothing compared to there creators strengths but they realized that they were both back to level one again which scared both of them into ending there fight.

"You two done now?" They both nod at me and I release them from the pressure of my haki to let them both get up and dust themselves off.

"Your both probably wondering why your suddenly much weaker than you were before right?" They both nod at me, "Then let me explain what's going on and why your here…" I say as I go on to explain everything about this world, the system which was easy to explain since they were originally video game characters, and my plans as well as both of my identities as both Vargas and Blood Eagle.

"… And you two will be the main members of my Blood Eagle Crew as I know you guys are originally from a rather 'evil' faction so being with me on my rather more evil adventures, specifically taking down everything the asshole that says that owns this world loves and cares about."

They both bow to me, "Your wish is our command Master."

"Not master no, Call me Captain or Eagle when we go out on our journeys over the seas."

"As you wish Eagle-sama." (Albedo/ Shalltear)

"… That will have to do for now, now go meet the rest of the crew, and I know that in your world that nonhumans were treated poorly, but not here you won't be, so long as you don't go out of your way to hurt anyone in my crew they will treat you just like anyone else, though I don't mind if you attack any of them if they decide to do something stupid or intentionally piss you off, break there bones if your strong enough but no killing crew mates understood?"

"As you wish." (Albedo)

"You do know that I'm a vampire right? I may not need to feed as often but I still need to feed or I may go feral and attack someone, wine staves it off but I still need some for sustenance." (Shalltear)

"Then since I summoned you then I'll let you drink my blood and when my blood isn't available…" I go look at the shop in my head and find something called a Blood Moon Cocktail, something vampires can drink when they can't get blood for themselves, though it can get them drunk even if they are undead because of the strong alcohol content.

"…. This should also be another alternative to my blood, careful though this can get even vampires drunk easily." I say as I toss her the decanter holding the Cocktail.

She then takes a whiff of it and nearly stumbles from the overpowering smell of blood and alcohol.

"This is wonderful! Thank you Eagle-sama!" She then dances around while holding it like it was her child.

"Alright enough antics, go see everyone else."

With that they both bow and head off to see the rest of the crew.

"…. Besides them being inherently evil by nature, and wanting them to be the main members for your Blood Eagle Crew, you just wanted more women didn't you?" (???) says as his hooded figures appears before me.

"Yes, yes and yes to all of those reasons."

"Heh, that's what I like about you, do what you want and I'm really looking forward to you making this world your playground." He says with a big grin before fading away once again.

"Yeah…. I'm making this world my playground and no one will stop me…" I say as I head back off to my office to relax for the rest of the day.
