
Blood Eagle

"Alright Gild let's go burn this shit hole down and take all the goods for ourselves." I say as we high five each other.

"Finally I can get back at these fucks for what they did to me…. And Stella…." He said with a vicious grin but with a sad look in his eyes.

I just nod at him and then lit the place we were just at up in flames as we start to walk away as we begin to head for other nobles residence to loot and kill, even though Gild had been a slave for years he was still surprisingly strong enough to take on the guards on his own, unless they started to out number him then I'd have to step in to get the pressure off him.

As a team with me being the leader and him covering my back we made a pretty good team for just working together for the first time.

But then we came upon one place and I just stopped, I looked at the compass to make sure this really was the place, after seeing it pointed to here I hesitated to go in.

"What's up man? Aren't we going in?" Gild said confused that I just full stopped in front of this residence, it didn't look any different from any of the others we looted and saved slaves from before to him.

"This…. Is where I made my big escape 4 years ago…" I say in reminiscent of my past life and coming all the way back here, I shouldn't be surprised I was coming back to Mary Genoise of course I'd see this place again but… it was just hard is all.

"Your a free man now… even if this place brings back bad memories now you have the power to get back at the fucks who fucked you over all your life in that hell hole, now are you just gonna sit here twiddling your thumbs or are we going in and cracking some nobles skulls wide open?!?" Gild said trying to get me out of my thoughts and to get over myself and destroy my past.

"… thanks Gild I needed that." I say as I slap myself in the face to wake myself up, that part of my life is dead and gone it's time to destroy any remains of my past for good.

With us boding at each other I cut down the gate with my blade and waltz right in, the guards were already prepared as all the chaos in the city set all guards on high alert and in defensive positions to fight off any would be attackers on there masters property.

As I cut down the gate they began to fire their guns on us, but my flames protected us from there bullets by melting there shots before they could even reach us.

And with a wave of my blade I sent a flame blade careening right at them, decimating them in a single attack as we continued forward towards the slave pens.

I was humming that song again as we slaughtered them along the way (Refer to Chap. 19)

As we freed the slaves and proceeded even deep into the pens we came upon the place I feared when I was younger, what the slaves always called 'Masters Play Pen' and it seems the pig was having fun in there as we speak so we went in, and what we saw made both me and Gild sick to our stomach just to see.

(If you don't like scenes of extreme torture and rape then skip this part of the chapter)


It looked less like a torture room and more of a butchers shop, bodies of men, women and children alike were hanging like meat on meat hooks, the men were extremely brutalized before there deaths, limbs hacked off, guts spilling out even some were missing there heads and some were even worse off and died without their pride as men still attached to there bodies.

And women were even worse conditions, they were beaten and raped by multiple men it seems before dying in all sorts of extreme ways that were even worse using famous torture methods, Iron Maiden, the rack, boiling metal poured in the ears and many other ways that they died that I couldn't keep describing because of how disgusting it all was to see.

Gild couldn't handle the sight and threw up right outside the door to that butchery, all I could do was grip my fists in rage at the sight of all this carnage, and to top it all off my old master was currently raping a woman on a large bed in the back of the room surrounded by all the bodies of the dead surrounding him and he didn't even register the bodies as people he saw them as meat on the hook that's how he could do all his cruel and twisted things without even flinching at the sight before him, and I could tell based upon the lack of reaction from the woman he was raping she was either unconscious or she was dead and I wouldn't be surprised if she was if that fuck could do this surrounded by all this death.

I couldn't stand to watch this anymore, I then began to light the bodies a blaze so they could Rest In Peace as I slowly made my way to him.

As the fires began to set a blaze he realized that something was seriously wrong, as he pulled out of this broken toy of his as he turned to see the person ruining his fun only to see a fiery foot smashing into his family jewels and his tiny brother absolutely destroying them in the process, the pain was so intense that he had no chance to scream before he lost consciousness.

I went passed him and checked the girl only to see her body as a complete mess, wrecked beyond recognition, I felt her neck… she was already dead and from how cold she felt it was clearly more than a few hours ago that she had passed away, so I placed my hands in a sign of prayer and set her ablaze and laid her to rest and hopefully she could be born again into a better life.

After that I grabbed the fat bastard by his collar and began to drag him out of his personal play pen before completely setting it ablaze to destroy it throughly.

The slaves knowing what he had done to there friends wanted to lynch him but I said, "No will do something much worse to him, something that will make this the symbol of this slave revolt." I said dragging him out to the front court yard.

"What could be worse than a lynching?"

"That's simple, he enjoyed torture right? Then will give him the most painful and torturous death possible."

"What's it called?"

"Blood Eagle."

One of the most brutal ways of torture ever conceived by the minds of humans the Blood Eagle, made by Vikings to put fear into their enemies and to praise their gods with human sacrifice the blood Eagle was made.

The procedure goes as follows, The hands and legs were tied to prevent escape or sudden movements. Then we started by stabbing him in the tailbone and ran the blade up to the top of his rib cage.

We had to gag him because he was screaming bloody murder from the extreme pain he was going through.

"Ooh it's just gonna get much worse for you, you are gonna die in pain and agony and suffer for all the sins you committed before your pathetic death." I whisper like the devil in his ear, and too him I truly was a devil.

Next I pulled out some bone cutters and began to separate each rib from the backbone, when it was done it left his organs on full display for all to see.

Then I began to pull the ribs back into the form of wings while adding an extra touch of rubbing salt into his wounds so he could suffer even more until finally the lungs were pulled from his body and with some rope were bonded to his wing shaped ribs making the true bloody Eagle, he finally died when I put on the finishing touches.

After that was done I cut his bindings on his hands before binding them again except to a large tree branch that could hold his suspended wait making him into a true soaring blood Eagle.

Gild was able to watch the entire process and even though seeing this sight made him want to puke again he was able to hold it because even though it was horrifying to look at it was also in his eyes a true symbol, the Blood Eagle, a symbol of vengeance and uprising against the world nobles.

"This was to set an example wasn't it?" (Gild)

"Yes but it was also for vengeance for me and all those that he has killed, but to add a final touch." I say as I take his blood and smear it on his manor wall the symbol of and Eagle with it saying 'Signed, Blood Eagle." In the rest of his blood.

"In this uprising I am the Blood Eagle, the one who is the devil that the world nobles will fear for years to come…"

"So you want me to call you Eagle then?"

"For now yes, after all this is over I'll tell you my real name, now we have one last person to kill before we can leave here."

He just nods as we head into the manor, I let him loot it for all its goods while I slowly make my way to my old mistresses room, when I push it open it's empty, I can hear the sound of her personal bath running, but I check the closet first because I know she can be cunning when she needs to be.

And it proved me right as she wasn't in the bath at all but in the closet, but as soon as I opened it she lunged at me with a knife but I was to quick and made her trip before taking the knife out of her hand, I could have had a back and forth with her where she could have made me feel guilty of what I've done and tried to do something to convince me not to kill her, so before she could even say a word I stood her up then releasing my Dangelda: Katana Form from its sheath I instantly decapitated her and began to walk away, reaching the door before her body could no longer stand on its own and fell to the floor in a pool of her blood.

After that was said and done I found Gild and all the goods, which I made disappear into my inventory before motioning him that were leaving, and with that we left this manor the only one mostly intact.


(End of extremely gory stuff)

"How are you able to make all that stuff disappear?"

"Hmmm it's a type of magic that allows me to carry as much as I want with in a 1 cubed mile area of space, I could easily hide a few battleships with the use of my magic."

"Wow, it isn't a devil fruit power?"

"Nope it's something I was born with it seems, maybe my ancestors could do stuff similar to this and that might be why I can control flames as well."

"That's an ability that you learned on your own?"

"Yep, but enough about me, we have plenty more manors to ransack of their goods, but let's see where this will lead us too next." I say as I pull out the compass

"A compass?"

"A compass that points you to anywhere or anything you want to go too."

"Why would you need that now?"

"Because an old friends kid was put in slavery not to long ago and he begged me to save them."

"Are you sure there not dead yet?"

I wait till it finally stops spinning and points in the east district close to where the battle between the Fishmen and the Marines was happening.

"Looks like will need to get closer to the battlefield if we're gonna find that kid…"

"Do we have too?"

"A promise is a promise and I don't go back on my promises that easily."

"Well let's get going then, at least I'll be able to kill some more of those marine fucks."

I just nod as we both begin to journey eastward to the heart of it all.

Well in the Poll thats going on the Arlong Arc and the Alabasta Arc are both in first place, if 2 Arcs are tied for first i'll make it a longer volume with both arcs in the same volume.

I'll post the Poll Link in the comment section of this chapter again for you guys to copy we only got 3 more days before the poll ends.

OneMoreScorecreators' thoughts