
Home Sweet Home

After 2 more days of travel we finally reached the closest edge of where the grand line and calm belt can meet that is closest to Amazon Lily, we did see a closer island earlier but the girls said that was the neighboring island of Rusukaina not Amazon Lily, I originally wanted to go there to use as a sling shot around the island to get to Amazon Lily but the girls noticed that it was currently monsoon season on that island making the near by sea dangerous for us to go through, so we decided to go a bit farther west to the nearest point Amazon Lily is closest to the Grand Line which was roughly a 100 mile difference between us and home.

"We got to cross this small portion of the calm belt to get you girls home." I say looking through the telescope and seeing the island in the distance.

"But the problem is that this is the calm belt, there's barely any wind so even if we head anywhere in that direction it will take at least an hour to go a distance that would take us only 10 minutes normally." (Hancock)

"So all we can do is pray that we're lucky and no giant Sea Emperors are near the island." I say as we set out

"Me and my big mouth." Not even halfway there we come across a colossal Sea Emperor that from what I could tell was at a bare minimum 50 miles in length, and it was heading to us rapidly and from its size it could easily swallow our small caravel.

"Continue driving this boat to the island, I'll play distraction and keep its attention away from you guys." I say leaving only my pants on as I bring out my blade and start walking to the edge of the ship preparing to fight this monster.

"But Vargas!!!" (Hancock)

"NO BUTS!!! NOW LISTEN TO YOUR CAPTAINS ORDERS THAT IS FINAL! When you get there have them send some help to save me ok?" I say while showing them a grin of confidence, but inside I knew that if I didn't pull out all the stops that I'd die and then they would soon after.

The girls didn't say anything but with tears welling up in their eyes they nodded at me saying they'll listen to my commands all I could do was smile back and nod at them as I used my flames to propel myself to the beast to keep its attention on me.

With my flames I can keep myself airborne for awhile but I already knew that I'd wouldn't be able to keep flying like this for long because it's too taxing to keep up so I launched myself toward it and stabbed my blade into its hard scaled skin, barely getting it in because of how tough it's hide is but I did and was able to use my blade as a makeshift hand hold to keep a grip on it, but even though stabbed it didn't even react and was still heading for the ship and fast, if this was the grand line we'd be able to out maneuver this huge guy because of his size making him slow in comparison to normal ships but with no wind normal boats are like sitting ducks for this big guy and I needed to do something fast or the girls are dead. So with all the fire I could generate I started to drill my arm into its tough skin getting deeper and deeper by the second.

*ROOOOOOOAAAAAARRR!!!!* the beast howled as it realized a the firefly (Vargas) from earlier decided to bite it by burning through its skin, enraged it began to thrash around get this unwanted passenger off its body.

Lucky for the girls it thrashing about was able to give waves to the sea that they could use to get to the island quickly

As I kept burning through its skin getting deeper by the second it was beginning to thrash about faster and much harder to get me off of it, by the time I was about elbow deep in its skin it rapidly moved its body so fast that it snapped my arm backwards breaking my elbow in the process.

"AGGGRHHH YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!" I say as I scream out in pain and anger, and because of that I'm unable to steady myself properly and while he's thrashing about I'm constantly getting slammed into his huge body causing heavy internal damage.

*Dammit I'm losing consciousness from all this damage being done to me, I got to think of something fast or I'm a dead man…* but the system like an angel from heaven chimed in.

System: host is taking heavy damage and is unable to drink health potions on his own and will pass out in less than five minutes if something is not done. This is not recommended but due to the situation you are in it's the best option for you to evolve to your next state of being, by doing so it will heal all injuries and cause this beast damage in the process due to being within close proximity to your enemy. Does host wish to evolve Y/N?*

"YES! EVOLVE ME SO I CAN FIGHT OFF THIS FUCKER!!!!!" I scream out in both pain and anger.

System: acknowledged due to host accumulating such a large amount of exp. over the last 5 years the host can evolve twice at the same time and be at the max lvl of your 3rd form but host will be unable to evolve for 1 year due too rapid fire evolutions happening at the same time…. Beginning double evolution…*

After it finishing its spiel of the ups and downs of doing this, my body felt like it was burning with molten iron in my veins it was a mix between pleasure and pain as I got hotter and hotter until suddenly and explosion of energy was generated from my body that cause that massive explosion blowing off a large portion of the beasts body roughly in a 300 meter diameter from where I was latched onto it.

And in the distance floating in the air because of my flames I stood, my hair more similar to a flame than a normal set of hair with Dandelga hanging over my shoulder the metal a bright red it looked like hot steel with it wrapped in flames, I now looked a bit older and much tougher too with more well defined muscles on my body I even got a bit taller now standing at 5'10 making me slightly taller than Sonia now but I was still a bit shorter than Marie.

Because of that damage it caused the beast to fall back into the sea and run away in fear from me.

"THATS RIGHT YOU BETTER RUN YOU BASTARD!!!!" I shout at it as it flees in a panic but unfortunately I'm to tired to stay flying in the air and slowly begin to descend into the sea and began to float the best I could on top of the water that was currently filled with the blood of the beast.

"…. I'm so tired I need to sleep…" but I knew that had to wait till I got to land, but unfortunately the blood attracted something even more deadly than a Sea Emperor, though much smaller than the last one but it also was much faster as well, it would periodically show parts of it self, spotted green and white skin, hair running around it back, and eyes like a snake.

"… is this the end?" I ask myself weakly as I lose consciousness and making Dandelga to disappear, but right after losing consciousness the beast grabbed and brought me to Amazon Lily.

(Earlier while I was fighting the Sea Emperor)

"You think he will be able to fight that beast off?" Sonia asked worriedly as she looked off into the distance seeing me battling the beast, there were so far away because of the waves from the battle propelling them towards the island.

"He should be fine…. I think, well I believe that he won't die from that thing."(Hancock)

"…. But he's gonna get hurt…" (Marie)


They all came to a silent agreement to head to the island as soon as possible. After the sounds of battle began to fade they finally arrived at the shore of Amazon Lily, after reaching shore they instantly jumped off but were quickly surrounded by there fellow Kuja,

"HALT! You are tress-" before the warrior Kuja could finish she came to realize who it was it was the missing princesses returned home. "HIME-SAMAS!!!!" She says as she and the other warriors take a knee before the 3 snake princess sisters.

"ENOUGH! Our friend and the one who saved us and brought us home is in danger! He's being attacked by a Sea Emperor as we speak! We have to help him!" Hancock yells at the warrior women

*he? Him? They were saved by a man?* these were the thoughts of the warrior women, but seeing the impatient and worried expressions of their princesses they decided to worry about it later even if it is a male that saved them so they have to do whatever they can to save him. "It'll take to long to get the boat out to him fast, will send one of the Yuda out to save him, that should also scare off the Sea Emperor." She says as she tells the other warriors to release one of the domesticated to head towards the Sea Emperor to scare it off and too save the man being attacked by it, after sending them to do there jobs the captain pulled out her telescope to try to see the battle out at sea and from what she could tell, it's not the best telescope in the world so she could only barely see Vargas but she could definitely sea the Huge Sea Emperor pretty easily and from what she could tell is that he's losing.

"How is he? Is he ok?" (Hancock)

"… He's hurt and it looks like he's losing,but don't worry I see the Yuda heading to the battle so he should be al-" as she was saying that a explosion happened at the site of the battle that it could be seen from shore.

"VARGAS!!!" All three of the girls shout in fear at the sight of the explosion, they turn a hateful look at the warrior captain who out of fear doubled check to see a young man floating in air for a few seconds before wobbling and falling into the sea. "He lost consciousness… but luckily the Yuda grabbed him on time…" whoever this Vargas is he must be really strong to rip out a chunk of a Sea Emperor all on his own.

"When he is brought here immediately bring him to the healer, and if anything happens to him, I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD!!!" Hancock shouted at the captain.




After defeating the Sea Emperor I was saved by a Yuda and brought back to Amazon Lily covered in wounds I was dropped off near the docks to be picked up by the girls and their company of Kuja warriors to get a better look at this so called man that can only be found outside the island, and when they saw him in his roughed up appearance the girls ran over to him trying to wake him up and make sure he was alright.

After being poked and jostled around by the girls I slowly woke up but I was racked in pain all over and began to hack up blood from my internal injuries.

"Vargas!" They shouted worried about my health.

"Shut *cough cough* up! Your making it worse!" I say as I push them off me and summon my blade to use as a crutch to hold me up, but I was still coughing up blood more and more as I try to stand.

"You got to rest! Just standing is making it worse on your injuries!" (Hancock)

"Then get me a stretcher and quickly…" I say as I'm barely holding myself off the ground, shortly after that a stretcher finally came and I didn't hesitate to fall onto it falling back unconscious.



(Several hours later)

After being brought to the healer hut and then my arms and chest were wrapped in bandages and feed some medicine to numb the pain and I was stuck like that in the healer hut for the rest of the night.

The next day I woke up to the noise of women all clambering by the entrance to the healers hut that were being blocked by the warriors stationed to guard me over night, till suddenly it became quiet as the three sisters came and entered the hut to check up on me.

"Are you okay?" (Hancock)

"I feel like I was crushed by a boulder… but it would have been worse if I hadn't used my trump card." I say as I mouth the word 'evolution' to them.

"Yeah it seems that trump card of yours was able to pull you out of that situation pretty well." (Sonia)

"Well if I hadn't I think you guys would have had to amputate my arm because it was completely ruined before I used it, but don't worry it just hurts is all but I can still use it just as well as normal." I say flexing both of my arms showing they still work even though they were still in a lot of pain.

"We'll just rest for a few days then will show you around the island, oh and also…." Each one of them kisses me on the cheek as they all say together


I woke up early to work on it a bit before work but I didn't expect work to be soo dead today that on my off time i worked on it some more and finished it at work :P

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