
Chapter 2: I am starting to see a pattern here

It has been a total of 12 years now since Sanemi has arrived in the world of One Piece and he realized a few things. Firstly the Iland they were living in was not apparently Wano but a country near it and secondly they have finally arrived and seized the country of Wano completely.

About four years ago both Yamato and Sanemi witnessed the complete massacre in Wano while Sanemi was quite used to it by now Yamato was having a hard time coping with it.

Seeing Yamato's behavior Kaido promptly declared him to be weak and that he needs serious training, while he declared Sanemi the Red Oni Prince of the Wano Country.

Sanemi has spent almost all of his time mastering his fruit.

Fish-Fish Fruit Modle Namazu was based on the mythological beast of Japan which was famous for casting earthquakes, in a way the fruit gives Sanemi the ability to produce earthquakes and earth control.

Sanemi like the rest of his family decided to use heavy weapons and has switched between blades and a kanabo. Both of them fit him extremely well but he has yet to decide which one to build the muscles memory for.

While Sanemi does know how to expertly wield heavy blades his new body has yet to adapt to such styles, he can just swing them around easily due to the insane strength he had from birth and his devil fruit.


'It is about time I start looking for those crystals, I need to get my strength back as soon as possible and also reach Yuki. ' Sanemi thought as he got ready in his usual clothing.

Compared to seven years ago Sanemi looks quite different now, due to his devil fruit he has gained several red tribal markings all over his body and face. His hair was now tied in a ponytail and was now crimson towards the end. His horns were now quite easily visible and his height reached 5'11 feet.

Sanemi's body now packed quite a punch literally since he can just copy Whitebeard's ability and even spam low magnitude earthquakes in a close-by area. He now had six packs and a buff body structure.

'I just need to find one or two crystals and hope that the system is in them. I also need to start the use of Haki now perhaps I can have a spar with Bounty or Prize and make it seem as if I awakened it ' Sanemi thought as he walked out of the room.

"Oi Yamato! How long are you going to read that stupid book? You have been on it for a whole year come outside touch some grass at the very least " Sanemi said as he kicked open Yamato's room to find her reading Oden's journal.

"Brother you don't understand! I am going to bb the next Oden! I have seen all this bloodshed for nothing! I will become a strong and surpassing father! surpass you! " Yamato said as she did a pose.

"..." Sanemi just looked at her with his right eye twitching.

"Stop with the nonsense in the morning if anyone else would have heard you, you would have been banished by now, " Sanemi said and then grabbed Yamato's foot and dragged her outside with him.

"Stop being a bully! " Yamato yelled with a pout while getting dragged.

"I will leave with the new all-star he is named Queen both of you will make a great pair, " Sanemi said as he dragged Yamato throughout the castle and finally threw him in a room with a fat blonde.

"Oi Queen it is your responsibility that my brother knows how to swing by the end of the day," Sanemi said and smashed the door behind him without asking or hearing anything else.

"Where are you going, young prince? " Sanemi was interrupted by King who was passing by.

"I will be going out for a walk after that I wish to test my skills against Bounty and Prize, inform them about the duel as well. " Sanemi said as he continued to walk past King.

The beast pirates follow the rule of strict hierarchy while Sanemi has yet to prove his spot on the tree him being the son of Kaido, his devil fruit abilities, and his growth is enough to say about his near-unlimited future potential some even speculate that he will be the one who surpasses Kaido himself.

With that Sanemi after 15 years finally leaves the castles and sets his foot in this country of Wano.


'Crap I totally forgot I cannot swim ' Sanemi thought as he was pulled by some of the beast pirate grunts.

After years of using his powers normally and not having little to no problem in the safe environment of Onigashima Sanemi totally forgot he is no longer able to swim.

" *cough* Fuck* cough* " Sanemi cursed between coughs of water as he finally breathed the fresh air again.

"Not a word King! not a god damn word, " Sanemi said as he stood up and noticed King keeping an eye over him.

'It seems that my IQ has gone lower over the time I spent with these savages, perhaps I was just too comfortable ' Sanemi thought and called for a boat to be prepared so he can reach the prisoner mine.


Tobi kinda fucked up the timeline in the previous chapter but luckily managed to save it just in time.

Kanabo is basically is stick with spikes that hurts like a bitch. (Image here->)
