
week at the ruby's family

ryu decided to live with summer family for some time before disappearing and leaving a good bye meesseg and he also decided to let snow to stay with summer and her family because there is a strong grim scent in the area.

the most important thing that happened in this week he get to know three different things first tai hates him for no reason and he looks at him like he stole something from him, for his master for some reason she kept on saying "ara~ara~"

and she like to make him shapeshift in to defreant and take photos of him or make him wear some girl clothes, and ruby she keep on following ryu were ever he go and bites his neck when ever get the chance to or use him as a pillow and yang would do what ruby does expect biting she will try to suffocate him with baer hugs .

from his staying with them he got to know that tai is a teacher at signal academy and he don't like him, ruby is will ruby , his master begin to join the dark side of the force when ever she sees him with ruby and she start useing tai as a punching bag she keeps on power slam him after every conversation between her and ryu for some unknown reason, and he gets to know that yang is not summer real daughter but she is the daughter of tai ex wife raven that disappeared after one day after giving birth to yang and she don't know a thing about her but she is trying to find her.

and today is the day that ryu chooses to leave them and as good bye later he did the next first he made two houses from cookie in the real size for his master and ruby, get some fian wine for qrow , change tai hair colour from blonde into white and burned all of his clothes, finally made tree house and made a yang out of pizza for yang and finally put snow in some grim flock.

finally he made bloody wings out of his back and start flying away from his master house but he remember to leave a note "ryu was here xoxo".

ryu: now it's the time to back to what I was doing before this what do you think alice .

alice : what are you going to do.

ryu:trying to take over the world alice mahahaha.

alice : you are 100% her student both of you do reference when ever feel uncomfortable (long sight).

ryu:hay at least it's not yoda style like some one.

alice:that I don't.

(since brake)

the years want by and news came out

??:hellseng is the number one wine company.

??:teacher want to signal academy in balyrena clothes.

??:whiht fange for equality.

??:ironwood(if you are a man then love a man).

??: Patch island is a Island without grim.

??:for some odd reason there is no Raisin flavour cookie in the market.

??:hellseng company became the first icecream maker company and put a little girl with the name of napolena as the CEO.

??:the bloody Protest is a dark mark in humanity history.

??:101 way to kill grim is the best selling book.

??:hellseng company help the vectem family of the bloody protest.

??:hellseng (we will not enter the weapon industry there is enough weapons for the world).

??:hellseng company is the number one company in the entertainment industry .

??:hellseng(manga is the future).

??:hellseng owner will start to go to beacon academy next year.

??:lady raven one of the most known businesswomen publish her book under the name "from bandit to queen ".

??:shock kuzu ryu the founder of hellseng is just

14 years.
