
time skip jitsu

two years later

in the forest

??:(Havy breathing while running) you will not catch me this time


ryu:come one snow you know you can't win , you have never been able to catch up.


ryu:are you really a manticore you are just big fuzz ball with wings .

snow:roar rooar.

ryu: I know I know you are the big king of this forest.

ryu:(how would thought that such big manticore is cute cat in his core )

flashback *******

two years ago after ryu suked the blood out of the rabbit he transformed into a crow and went down to see the manticore he saw him lying in his blood with one of his wings broken and other being cut by something mostly the bullet .

ryu:will will will what do we have here such a big kitty it would be sad if it died right now it's a pity

alice would you be nice and tell me how to make a familiar out of him.

alice:(long sight) just drink some of his blood then let him drink your quite easy.

ryu:fufufu be a good cat it will not take long 😈😈.

ryu bites him on his wounded paw ,when he start to suck his blood he found that his connection to darkness as a vampire is getting stronger and there was another thing try to get in touch with him another soul finally after five minutes of blood sucking ryu Finley get his enough blood then went to the mouth of the manticore then make big wound with one of the manticore sharp teeth alot of blood keep on going into the manticore throat until the wound regenerat, ryu want back and start to notice the changes on the manticore body first his wounded body healed and a new wing grows out his eyes want open then it stands on all four and let a huge roar of bahemoth like saying am back with all of his might then it turned and looks at ryu with angry eyes, second later is went soft and the first sound that goes out in the face of ryu is

manticore: meow.


ryu:from now your name would be snow.

snow roll on the ground like some little cat that wants her owner to play with her .

ryu:it seems like you loved your new name but sadly you are so big I can't play with you .

when snow heard what ryu said it seems that it understand what it meant next second some kind of black reddish aura start to burst out of his body then his appearance began to change getting smaller ,his wings disappear into his back, his tail become a normal cat tail his colour of fur became snow white, his eyes want from normal red manticore eyes into blue with some red in it like some gemstone finally it stopped the new appearance of snow was that of a small white cat that can be left by one hand


ryu with out a second start hugging snow and playing with it with out give it a second to breath.

finally ryu stopped his abuseing and put snow on to of his head and say .

ryu:welcome to the family .

flashback ends *************************

ryu spent all of his time training playing with snow (more in the cat form) and by useing the knowledge of german scientists and atlas military supplies he beled some bat cave in the forest and take it as his home, it has what every one need for a modern life,internet, clean water, electric source, and 100 inch screen for gaming and such. in the main time he was looking at the grim radar because there a a lot grim in the west of the forest on top of the cliff that is from the movement on the radar they are most likely fighting something or someone.

ryu:come on snow let's see what is going on.

snow change to his manticore form and let ryu set on his back before it starts flying to the cliff , when both of them arrive to the place they found the grim fighting a black haired woman who welded a scythe , she were like some grinder killing grim on the left then one on the right,then jumped to take care of the one in the sky but she were losing finally she got hit on her back by a ursa that sent her flying Finley to hit a tree and loss consciousness

ryu:interesting, it seems like we have to a meal to eat from what do you think snow.

