

Derek paced from one corner in his room to the other after he had returned there alone, without the company of Leo and Shane. He had dismissed the two after their advises about his little witch, citing the excuse that he wanted to be alone. Of course they had heeded to his request, he was the Alpha after all.

His mind was consumed with thoughts about Emma, more specifically the incidence that had occurred last night, the way he had publicly humiliated her in front of his pack people, in front of other people from diverse packs. He couldn't believe that he had had the mind to reject her in front of them all. He had fallen a victim to his pride and foolishness. And now, he had to pay the price in the worst way possible; being viewed in contempt by his mate. He didn't think she would forgive him. He wouldn't blame her if she didn't forgive him. He wouldn't forgive himself if he was in her shoes.
