

Lily had been so happy when the commotion had been going on; that her new friend, Emma, was the chosen one, the prophecy. Although overwhelmed with surprise and awe, she had been thankful for it. She had heard about the prophecy one time from her mother, and her aunt, Leonarya, and it had fascinated her then; the goodwill of the gods to stop a war that might rid the earth even of humans.

But when she had found no symbol on the latter's back, she had been distraught. Distraught was an understatement actually.

She was besotted to Emma already, she saw her now as an elder sister she hadn't had, ever since the previous day when the latter had taken to the park, and had pushed her enough to put her trust on her and ride on the Ferry's wheel.

And then the fact that she hadn't left her and ran away when she had felt the dark energy in the air at the dark of the night, had humbled her.
